GSD in the snow

Fantastic captures I Got A Pure Black GSD And He loves the snow , Hes Very Big For A Year Old , Ill have to get some of mine tommorow

Ha, thank you, he's a big boy, especially when I have to lift him into the car! Must be all that pine furniture he ate when he was younger!
Good shot of him in the snow,hes a hansome chap,i can tell he is only a young one cause of his ears.ive got one myself.
Nice dog, but for me there is almost no colour... no contrast? Colours not really there at all, nearly washed out?


Good shot of him in the snow,hes a hansome chap,i can tell he is only a young one cause of his ears.ive got one myself.

Must... Resist...
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Good shot of him in the snow,hes a hansome chap,i can tell he is only a young one cause of his ears.ive got one myself.

some GSD's ears never go up - my rescue GSD's ears didn't go up until she was a year old - she looked like a lab until then.

the pics are nice - but i don't think he stands out enough though.
These are nice, everything works well, except they are a little flat and washed out.

I've tweaked the levels a smidgen, induced some noise in doing so, but it has increased the contrast a touch.

The second shot is really nice, personally Id like to see it in mono, think it would work well.
Good shots but Les has improved things with the processing :)
Thanks everyone, and thankyou for the edit(y)

His ear is a constant source of fun for all my friends:D

This was taken on christmas eve, the combination of snow and sun was blinding!:cool: Not often I can get him a pose where he looks normal!

Thanks again for the time and effort taken to comment and play with it:)

