Had a great e-mail today!

Marcus Peacock
Edit My Images
Recently a new skatepark has been built in my town and a lot of my friends use the park (despite it not officially being open yet) and I have not yet had a change to get down and shoot some of the action.

I was planning on going down one evening soon and having a play with some flashes, trying out different ideas with the guys.

Anyway, to the point. I received an email this morning from my local paper inviting me to the opening ceremony to shoot some action shots as I'd been recommended by people who use the skatepark. They state that they would not be able to pay me but I would get full credit for any images used.

I know to many of you i probably seem stupid accepting the offer as I'm not getting paid. But to me it is a foot in the door and getting credited in the most widely read local paper will hopefully open up a lot of opportunities for me!

Needless to say I'm very chugged and have accepted the offer. Just need to get down and find out where the best spots are over the next couple of weeks.
Good man for not being of the 'they must pay me' type. Enjoy it and it could deffo be a step in't right direction - good to know people are recomending you too :)
Good for you (y) money is not the be all and end all for everyone at least you will be happy seeing some of your shots in the paper, and that is the main thing. ;)
I would be chuffed to bits to be asked and you never know some of the skateboarders might want copies of their pics. But I'd be happy just to get one of my pics in a paper.
The Spalding Guardian, and I will be sure to either photocopy the page and show you or link if they put it online.
Getting your pics in the paper is always good but don't expect it to be a foot in the door. They are asking you because you are free. They may ask again in the future as long as you are still free. Try to start charging and you may find your foot firmly removed from the door.

Enjoy it and get some great photos.
Yeah, i understand that. The foot in the door was aimed at other people seeing the images and liking what they see.
Not many local paper readers look at picture credits :(.

True, but I am hoping that the image(s) that will hopefully be printed will be a completely different style to the papers resident photographer and will stand out.
I didn't even notice any picture credits till I started looking out for them!

Well done though for getting the job, paid or unpaid, it will do your confidence a world of good as well and a good start for you photo career
I know the Spalding Guardian very well and to me what makes being asked to cover this event for them even more special is the fact that they actually employ at least 3 full time photographers - so they obviously rate your action shots above the abilities of their own staff !

Well done, I look forweard to seeing your work when it is published.
Well done Marcus!!

Enjoy the day and take your best shots. Just to be able to say they offered you the job and published the pics would be enough for me. Good Luck!
Fab news. I would be well excited with this. Should be a great opportunity for you and a foot in the door like you say if nothing else...
Just make sure that they don't offer prints from the paper themselves, that they redirect any enquiries through yourself. Well done, have fun!
Getting your pics in the paper is always good but don't expect it to be a foot in the door. They are asking you because you are free. They may ask again in the future as long as you are still free. Try to start charging and you may find your foot firmly removed from the door.

Enjoy it and get some great photos.

Spot on........(y)
I know the Spalding Guardian very well and to me what makes being asked to cover this event for them even more special is the fact that they actually employ at least 3 full time photographers - so they obviously rate your action shots above the abilities of their own staff !

Well done, I look forweard to seeing your work when it is published.

I mean I've asked them about a shoot in the past but this was nearly a year ago now and they did say they'd get in contact with me if anything came up but when this happened I was very shocked.