Haggis n neeps

I had traditional Scottish fayre last night - chicken tikka masala.
Didn't have the tatties or neeps but did have Haggis and Fried egg on Toast! mmmm
Love haggis, hate neeps. Turnip reminds me of when you scratch/pick your lug wi' a biro then forget and sook the end of the pen.
Why, don't the English have their own national dish? :LOL:
Pie 'n mash?
A dry meat pie, lumpy mash and that bleedin 'orrible liquor (peely wally parsley sauce made wi' vinegar
) they have with it.
t'Missus insists on going for pie 'n mash every time we go to London. I usually go find a chippy instead. Every pie 'n mash shop I have been to in London and the home counties is the same. They must share the recipes.
And don't get me started on bubble.
That's obviously a fake! the feathers are the wrong colour!!
we had our annual no scots allowed all english (apart from haggis, poetry and whisky obviously) burns night on saturday. twas a proper haggis as well, enough for 12 and properly wrapped (no plastic), twas delish, although we had it roast in the oven rather than boiled this time.
A haggis is a small animal native to Scotland. Well when I say animal, actually it's a bird with vestigial wings - like the ostrich. Because the habitat of the haggis is exclusively mountainous, and because it is always found on the sides of Scottish mountains, it has evolved a rather strange gait. The poor thing has only three legs, and each leg is a different length - the result of this is that when hunting haggis, you must get them on to a flat plain - then they are very easy to catch - they can only run round in circles

Thanks for clearing that up Eileen (y)
I keep meaning to try haggis, I've eaten quite a few things in my life but somehow keep "forgetting" to try haggis

Oh and I'm with Pete Black pudding (y)
google "Ramseys of carluke". Stunning butcher and they do deliver nationally. Suppliers to Gleneagles, Hesten blum... and the queen amongst others :)
There Haggis is good but there black pudding is legend, Stornoway has nought on it :)
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Contradiction in terms I know but, has anybody tried veggie haggis? I can only find them at this time of year. They're lovely! We had one on saturday. I've a freezer full of both varieties at the mo! :)

A vegetarian haggis?

What bits of the vegetablists do you use to substitute, for intestines, offal and udders?
I did hear form a Scottish (Glasgow) colleague that the internationally famous Kama Sutra on Suchiehall st, were doing a Haggis curry... with whatever it translates from but basically a sag aloo, but neeps replacing the spinach..........

SO wish I was there last week...........
................ I wanna move to wales to have toasted cheese as my national dish :D

it's not toasted cheese but a cheese sauce which is then poured over toast

We stayed up in Edinburgh we went out for the day traveling around the highlands and we found a bakery that had haggis and steak pies they were yummy (y)
I did hear form a Scottish (Glasgow) colleague that the internationally famous Kama Sutra on Suchiehall st, were doing a Haggis curry... with whatever it translates from but basically a sag aloo, but neeps replacing the spinach..........

SO wish I was there last week...........

It's a bit of attention seeking, not that great :-( A lot of Indians also now do haggis pakora but chicken is better :)