Hair dye


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Ah its that time again where I need to dye my hair. Usually go for a red, this time I have opted for Schwarzkopf xxl cyber purple. Lol. Anyone else here got funky coloured hair?

Or funky hair styles for that matter
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Sarah, I hate it when Julie says lets just go in Body Shop, 3 hrs later after looking at all the dyes she get the same one she always gets, why we didnt just get that in the first place :eek:
Sarah, I hate it when Julie says lets just go in Body Shop, 3 hrs later after looking at all the dyes she get the same one she always gets, why we didnt just get that in the first place :eek:

Whatever are you wingeing about :D Its a woman's perogative to be like that :LOL::D
I love using the cyper purple and the cosmic blue especially when you see it in the sun!!
Stop dyeing your hair, it screws it up.

Mine all fell out so not a problem to me.................:D
My hair has been 'ultraviolet' for the last few months, but it fades really quickly. My favourite was when I died it black and had a big chunk of red in it! Trying to dye black hair is a nightmare though!
I am never ever dyeing my hair again :nono:
I dyed it almost black for a halloween joke last year and still have an awful faded yucky gingery colour instead of my usual blonde :bang::bang::bang:
My hair has been 'ultraviolet' for the last few months, but it fades really quickly. My favourite was when I died it black and had a big chunk of red in it! Trying to dye black hair is a nightmare though!

Blue rinse you mean...........:LOL:
Okay... Sitting here with the 'cyber purple' dye developing on my hair and so far it's stupidly brighter than the packet......hmmmm.....
How long do you have to sit with your 'cyber purple' ??
30 mins at gas mark 6 :LOL:
How long do you have to sit with your 'cyber purple' ??
30 mins at gas mark 6 :LOL:

Lol :LOL: It felt like it

Its actually come out very nice. Looks like a black cherry (imagine the black cherry fruit bit in a muller corner yog :D)
My wife dyed mine bright pink for a gig my band did the christmas before last. It was supposed to wash out in a couple of washes.

It lasted for nearly 3 months - and she's a hairdresser.

It took some explaining when I went to visit customers :|
My wife dyed mine bright pink for a gig my band did the christmas before last. It was supposed to wash out in a couple of washes.

It lasted for nearly 3 months - and she's a hairdresser.

It took some explaining when I went to visit customers :|

Lol :LOL: It felt like it

Its actually come out very nice. Looks like a black cherry (imagine the black cherry fruit bit in a muller corner yog :D)

You need to wear a hat - yoghurt fans will be chasing you with spoons !!!!!!
Are we going to be treated to a 'self portrait' of the new 'Muller Plum Yoghurt' look ??

Maybe some Photoshopped variants as well - sort of 'try before you dye' mock ups !!
My hair's a dirty blonde, never dyed it. But I like the colour of my hair so I'm not changing it lol.
I was born with blonde hair, but over the years it got darker, turning to light brown, had the odd touch of highlights during the 80's. But most dramatic colour change happened at work. A dollop of black grease dropped off an overhead crane, landing on my head. Went to try and wash it out, it just spread, went to the medical, but they couldn't think of anything to wash it out, so I returned to work for lots of puzzled looks from workmates wondering why, when or how, I'd managed to dye my hair black.
Now it's just varying shades of gray, white, silver and sometimes in the sun some hints of the blonde/fair hair can still be seen.
I was born with blonde hair, but over the years it got darker, turning to light brown, had the odd touch of highlights during the 80's. But most dramatic colour change happened at work. A dollop of black grease dropped off an overhead crane, landing on my head. Went to try and wash it out, it just spread, went to the medical, but they couldn't think of anything to wash it out, so I returned to work for lots of puzzled looks from workmates wondering why, when or how, I'd managed to dye my hair black.
Now it's just varying shades of gray, white, silver and sometimes in the sun some hints of the blonde/fair hair can still be seen.

Ooo silver fox...:D
I am at the minute sporting crazy colour cyclamen pink on my hair. i usually opt for the aubergine crazy colour or if in doubt black but fancied a bit of a change.
Clearly your hair and therefore your choice...

But given:

is using lots of presumably quite strong hair dye products the way forward? At least until you properly work out what's going on and why?

Anyway... I'll go and get back in my box now... just thought someone should say it really.

No, dying your hair, washing it all too much, wearing hats etc is a myth, at least according to the alopecia leaflets I was given. And anyway, it turns out to be stress. My blood test come back normal. No thyroid, or iron problems. Anyways, I've been dying my hair since I was 16, and its only the last few months the thinning has started to show.

EDIT: I did ask the doc about styling, etc.. but she said if it was affecting it, it would be an all over thinning of the hair, where as mine is near the patch at the back where men start to go bald (although not male baldness related) , and the rest of my scalp is fine.
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Not a good long story hun. Just a mundane one.

When I'm not well for a long time (either bad with my arms and legs and taking certain meds for a long time, stressed or depressed for a while), my hair starts falling out. It's done it a few times on and off since I was about 14, just goes really thin and gets a few tiny bald patches about the size of my finger tip. After a fair bit of experimenting I found out that most shades make my hair look even thinner because of my pale complexion, so once it starts to thinken up again, I can dye my hair again. (y)
As requested (honestly!)

Sorry about the appalling photo. Was done on the mac webcam. And near a window. :LOL:


The muller corner black cherry look. :D
I actually looked at the Muller Black cherry at the supermarket today, trying to gauge hair colour !!!!

Now wheres that spoon................:LOL:
Perhaps you should try blonde next time.

Apparently they have more fun!!!!!!!:)