Half hour with a 7d. Cricket

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Just bought a 7D and took it out for the first time tonight.

My lad's cricket team needed a shot of him for their website, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to test out the new kit. Not as good as my 5D, but heh, noise issues aside, I really like the 7D :love:



Great Shot Dav, I cant decide whether or not its a pity that his hand is showing motion blurr, its one of those one minute I like it, next I dont, nonetheless its a lovely shot, can I ask what the lighting was on this
Kind of strange without a wicket, does your son ever tire of you taking shots of him :)
Wow nice shot look like it is in 3D. Is that the lens or the flash that gives this effect?

Do you find much noise difference then between the 2? I'm using a 7D and would like to get a 5D for my landscape stuff.
Thanks Ade.

I quite like the motion blur, but to be honest it's a fluke - I was at max sync. :)
Lighting, the sun (;-)), one naked 580 subject's right, and a grided beauty dish left subject head hight.

Peter. Agree, be better with wickets etc - but was not an option. May well return at the weekend as he has a match. All my kids get bored of being photographed, but lets be honest, they've given me loads of sleepless nights over the years (and no doubt to come), so it's payback time ;)

Thanks Sep9001. Popping subject is as a result of the flash.

Paul. Yes I do - but it's early days for me yet, so the verdict on the 7d is till out. What I really do notice is the cropped sensor. Picking up the 5D after the 7D is like someone opening the barn doors! I really want the best bits from the 5 and from the 7 in one. No doubt someone come along and said I could buy a 'Nie-Kon' :)


I really want the best bits from the 5 and from the 7 in one. No doubt someone come along and said I could buy a 'Nie-Kon' :)



1Ds3 (y)
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I've just been down to check out a 7D as I'm getting bored with trying to find Nikon lenses that work. I don't think it's the answer though. 1Ds3 may well be. ;)
I've just been down to check out a 7D as I'm getting bored with trying to find Nikon lenses that work. I don't think it's the answer though. 1Ds3 may well be. ;)

Dean - the 1Ds MK3 does not have the spirit level that the 7d does. Thid feature comes in very handy when shooting weddings and portraits :LOL:

Now stop bashing the 7D and comment on my shot fella (y)

PS: You must be one of the few moving from Nikon to Canon
Reallty like the lighting again... (y)
Would have preffered to have seen the ball in his hand rather than the blurring.

Reallty like the lighting again... (y)
Would have preffered to have seen the ball in his hand rather than the blurring.


Totally agree steve.

I asked my lad where his cricket bat n ball were. Response "Dunno". I'll try again soon!


Dean - the 1Ds MK3 does not have the spirit level that the 7d does. Thid feature comes in very handy when shooting weddings and portraits :LOL:

Now stop bashing the 7D and comment on my shot fella (y)

PS: You must be one of the few moving from Nikon to Canon

I moved from Canon to Nikon and have to say I'm not massively impressed. Their are advantages, but the lenses have let me down.

Have you posted a shot?? ;)
Brilliant shot dav! I'm getting quite into the ocf myself after picking up a nissin 866.

Dav won't be pleased but I'm gonna stick my oar into the debate....nikon definitely have better bodies at the moment, but canons lenses are more likely better...however, with the 5d3 on it's way I think canon will be wanting to take the lead again and what a camera that will be!
Brilliant shot dav! I'm getting quite into the ocf myself after picking up a nissin 866.

Dav won't be pleased but I'm gonna stick my oar into the debate....nikon definitely have better bodies at the moment, but canons lenses are more likely better...however, with the 5d3 on it's way I think canon will be wanting to take the lead again and what a camera that will be!

Cheers fella.

Yeh, I've sat and waited for the 5d3. Thought about a 2nd 5dii, but decided I don't deserve it :crying: So, 7d seemed the logical choice. I'd guess (and it's only a guess), that Canon's 5dii replacement is now a way off.

I toyed with switching to 'Nie-kon', but realised I'm too far down the Canon road to change now.


I moved from Canon to Nikon and have to say I'm not massively impressed. Their are advantages, but the lenses have let me down.

Have you posted a shot?? ;)

I thought you'd just bought some Rusky lens?

Yes Dean, there was a shot :p

Sorry for shouting Dave but from what I have seen off your work I dont know what nikon would offer youu better than you have now...

You have a great eye for a shot ;)

"The mouthy one:LOL:"

Sorry for shouting Dave but from what I have seen off your work I dont know what nikon would offer youu better than you have now...

You have a great eye for a shot ;)

"The mouthy one:LOL:"

Thank you Dewi.
Don't tell me that Single malt has gone!

When you invite us to yours I'll bring some down for you

The single malt never lasted long.....

Regards your image framing is a little central for my tastes and lack of ball really spoils it...

Best regards Dave(y)
The picture is well taken, in my view, but it strikes me as being an awkward pose and perhaps would be better with a bit more follow thru (if you get what I mean).

What I'm trying to say is it doesn't jump out at me as being a traditional bowling pose.
you commented on th noise of the 7d have you tried in in low light? jsut I am thinking of getting one wanted to know how it handled.
Somelier said:
Why on earth would anyone want to buy Nikon - dreadful company.

Thanks for your valuable input
Thanks Milamber. Shot is far from perfect. I guess it's a beta (ooops excuse my software background) shot. I may well return this weekend and have stumps, bat, ball etc.

The rest of you, stop bitching about Nie-kon v Canon :)

Dean - behave yourself :)


Me?? That comment was inflammatory!
you commented on th noise of the 7d have you tried in in low light? jsut I am thinking of getting one wanted to know how it handled.

Sorry. missed this one.

It's definately more noisey than the 5. I've not used under wedding conditions, dim church etc yet, but pixel peeping at say ISO 1000, it's significantly worse than the 5dii.

Flip side, positive focusing system and feels VERY well screwed together. Go on, treat yourself :)
Should have bought a sony as with their flash gun you can sync at up to 1/4000 :)
I quite like the motion blur. Would be a bit predictable without it I think and you wouldn't know whether he was really moving or just standing like a statue ;)