Hamerton Zoo

I'm not very keen on b&w animal shots, but of those, i'd only like to see Rupert in colour.

The background of the meerkat spoils that, wile the Kookiebura focus appears to fall in front of it (beak looks soft to me)
I'm not very keen on b&w animal shots, but of those, i'd only like to see Rupert in colour.

The background of the meerkat spoils that, wile the Kookiebura focus appears to fall in front of it (beak looks soft to me)

Thanks for the comments. The eye of the kookaburra is sharp, which is where the intended focus was. Although in retrospect I should have stopped down a bit to get more of the entire bird in focus. I have to fight with myself to change this lens from f2!
I don't mind a mono animal shot - but I don't think the last three work tbh. I do like the vulture and it is a shame about the bg on the meerkat as you've caught a lovely expression. I'm fine with the focus on the kookaburra too - probably my favourite of the set.
Thank you for the comments - appreciate you guys taking the time to reply. Regarding the Meerkat, it was a case of making the best of a not ideal situation... I moved into a position where the solitary small patch of greenery available was behind him. Unfortunately everything else in the vicinity was grey fence / messy brown wood. I think I might re-visit this one in photoshop and see if I can sort the background out to help the shot.

Regarding the B&W shots, perhaps I was rather hasty with the conversions... I just felt that on my original captures the colour wasn't fantastic in these shots, and was almost a distraction (the tiger for example was indoors, and had some pretty bad mixed lighting giving a cast that just couldn't be balanced correctly). Perhaps next time I will back off on the mono a bit...

The Kookaburra is probably my fave too! :)

This was another one I quite liked... thought this guy looked very cute.

DSCF0325.jpg by Gareth Edwards, on Flickr
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Love the Kookaburra.
Beak doesn't look soft to me.