Handsome Bulgarians

Edit My Images




Sorry but what on earth are these about :shrug: they don't really do anything for me, and I don't see the Bulgarian link, I don't think it was necessary to mention the Bulgarian aspect :D but the the photo's are of a poor standard, they are pixelated and distorted and in the second there is background where clearly there should be shoulder :shrug:

Sorry for being blunt but these really are not good :shake:

Thanks Will. Anyone who is completely negative is ignored by me anyway.

Ignore me, I'm not that bothered, I said what I saw :shrug: at the end of the day it a photography forum and and this is the critique and sharing section, if you didn't want critique then post in the photo's for pleasure section :shrug:

Having just seen your file sizes for these images I it likly that a lot of the issue are from JPEG Compression from saving at a very low quality setting

Fell free to RTM my post if you wish

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Thanks Will. Anyone who is completely negative is ignored by me anyway.

I know Matt came across strongly but I'm afraid he makes a few valid points. Too much pixelation, over-saturation and too-close crops. Are these 100% crops from bigger photos?
Matt has several valid points as mentioned, and as said it is the "critique" section which can be quite blunt at times, and in Matt's original post he did apologize for his views. The last shot is the best of the bunch for me.
It is not the bluntness but that the lack of critique eg. cropping, saturation levels as mentioned by Will B.
Does anyone need to make their point with mindless emoticons?
Sorry but what on earth are these about :shrug: they don't really do anything for me, and I don't see the Bulgarian link, I don't think it was necessary to mention the Bulgarian aspect :D but the the photo's are of a poor standard, they are pixelated and distorted and in the second there is background where clearly there should be shoulder :shrug:

Sorry for being blunt but these really are not good :shake:


They made me smile!
I dont know why, but these make me feel like I am looking around the local mobsters hangout cafe!
It is not the bluntness but that the lack of critique eg. cropping, saturation levels as mentioned by Will B.
Does anyone need to make their point with mindless emoticons?

he did give some critique, didn't he?? he mentioned about the pixilation problems from low res files, and mentioned the background issue in number 2

I also think the emoticons were used to try and come across a bit less harsh, so i would say they weren't really pointless

If youre willing to listen to critique you're photography will improve masses, there are some very experienced members on here who take time to help you, id listen to it and take it on board, ive seen matt's critique before and its always been very good and also fair (y)

Personally i think 3. works the best, the bar in front and bricks on top are a nice framing the saturation is less of a problem (but i would still change it a little) and the quiltiy is higher (yet still not fantastic)

keep practising and maybe try increasing your jpeg quiltity :)

im not a pro infact nowhere near..but the last image looked very distorted and almost fuzzed my eye sight.in saying that i did like image 3,i liked the maralyn monroe background but it didnt give of a bulgarian feel.Im sorry people were hard on you iv had this myself with previous images iv put on.
Keep posting as your work can only get better,take the critisim as a learning curve.
This is the critique and sharing section, I was of the opinion that those wanting serious critique were to select the requisite prefix to the thread title, that's why it's there. As the OP didn't, and made no request for it in the body of the post, perhaps people shouldn't go in so hard.
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This is the critique and sharing section, I was of the opinion that those wanting serious critique were to select the requisite prefix to the thread title, that's why it's there. As the OP didn't, and made no request for it in the body of the post, perhaps people shouldn't go in so hard.

Thats what I thought TBH, if you want serious critique then you add it to your title.
sorry not trying to gang up here...but if you cant stand constructive criticism ive no idea why you would post in this section!

For me nobody was being offensive...iam new to photography so take all criticism as a way of improving and seeing where i go wrong!
Personally I love the sarcasm in the title!
Sorry but what on earth are these about :shrug: they don't really do anything for me, and I don't see the Bulgarian link, I don't think it was necessary to mention the Bulgarian aspect :D but the the photo's are of a poor standard, they are pixelated and distorted and in the second there is background where clearly there should be shoulder :shrug:

Sorry for being blunt but these really are not good :shake:


I agree- and some are a tad soft in the focusing too - if you look at the eyes- which should be the focal point of any portrait :shrug: threy appear a little blurred on my moniotor- not wanting to come across as NEGATIVE- I just say what I see

May I ask what aperture you shot these at?

Les ;)
I thought it was a "crime watch photo fit" :bonk:
or Police surveillance of human traffickers?
Thanks Will. Anyone who is completely negative is ignored by me anyway.

How are you meant to learn anything from the very talented sometimes very successful members of this forum if you do not listen to negative critique??
If everyone turned around and said "mmm yes nice pic or looks good mate" you would learn absolutely nothing.

If thats what you are looking for then just post them in the "photo's for pleasure section",
this has been debated many times about critique and sharing, they come hand in hand, you share a pic people crit on it, if its in these sections anyways.

Now to the photo's

I am sorry I cannot add to what has already been said by many on here as they, to me, just look like a lads weekend away shots. too many shadows and light bits.
#3 is my fav out of them, as to me it depicts off the cuff shooting of a guy hard at work in his job

in the second there is background where clearly there should be shoulder :shrug:

It's clearly foreground. An ear, if I may hazard a guess.
Thanks Will. Anyone who is completely negative is ignored by me anyway.

Some guys here are blunt (I know I’ve been on the receiving end) but, they know what they talking about its worth taking note of what they say even if it is all negative.

It's clearly foreground. An ear, if I may hazard a guess.
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Meh...some people don't know they're born. I have to prostitute my photos out to get a response at all most of the time. The OP got a whole argument in one go.

I dream of getting an argument over my photos...

Lucky Barsteward.
Thanks Will. Anyone who is completely negative is ignored by me anyway.

What exactly did you expect Bob :shrug: As mentioned Matt`s comment are true and to the point. You have given no explanation to the people in the shots or why indeed you took them as such. Was it a party, on holiday or what? Will B gave you some feedback " Take no notice, nice effort, some saturation issues and some awkward crops. But good effort. " But no advice as to what you might need to do to improve matters :thinking: I suggest that next time you post a shot up look first at the picture and be honest with yourself, see if you can find fault with it, if you cannot then listen to what others are saying and ask questions, advice on here is free (y) If you post up pictures of this standard and cannot see what is wrong then imo you need to take a step back and read the manual which came with your camera.
It's clearly foreground. An ear, if I may hazard a guess.

You know what I think your right, My bad I can accept being wrong :D I made a mistake there, but now I comes down to a composition issue :shrug: I still looks wrong IMO

I will be honest and say that I was working my way through some of the Unanswered Posts trying to clear the list a little the same as I have done this afternoon since I had a couple of hours spare, So I made a mistake on that from.

As I said in my previous post if the OP wants to report my post he is welcome to RTM my post, but as other's have pointed out I wasn't nasty in what I said, I wasn't rude :shrug:

Obviously we need both negative and positive criticism as it is part of the learning process, but what I dont think is a bad thing is to do is provide negative criticism in a positive way. Anyone who has done any type of teacher training will have had this drilled into them and discussed this method at tedious length.
The points raised were all valid but not presented in a particularly helpful way to be honest.
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^^^having said all that, i can see how the banter that followed could be demotivating to the OP as well
Theres nothing worse than harsh negative feedback when you are trying to learn, I think thats the issue that was raised with that first critique.
^^^having said all that, i can see how the banter that followed could be demotivating to the OP as well
Theres nothing worse than harsh negative feedback when you are trying to learn, I think thats the issue that was raised with that first critique.

yea :agree: i always try and offer both sides, i came on to harsh aswell, im sorry if i did.

maybe if you posts the originals we could offer some better crit, i think the main problem is the fact that they've been to heavily cropped, and maybe cropping differently could keep the attention were its meant even if its less zoomed in (is that makes any sense) (y)(y)(y)

I don't like these at all, they seem over saturated and very pixelated and soft.

To make them better I would use less saturation, and probably zoom in using the lens instead of cropping so tightly and make sure the focus is spot on so they are more sharp.