Handy single use lens wipes? (50 for 99p)

Just my personal opinion but I wouldn't want to chance using these on my rather pricey glass just to save a few pennies.
No telling what they could do to the glass or coating, and as they are for glasses you wouldn't have a leg to stand on if any damage was done.
I'll stick with my pecpad and eclipse fluid.
I might try them on a UV filter but I agree with scraggs and wouldn't use them on the lens itself.
I've been using the Lidl ones "W5 Spectacle Cleaning Cloths" for about 9 months on my 85L and 24-70L, they work great and have no problems at all, these are also the same price as the cloths mentioned.
I use my t-shirt all the time (when out shooting) soo these sound good to me! :)
Bought some on these from my local Aldi yesterday as it said on the packet they were suitable for lenses. On trying the product I found it too wet for the lens as it did not evapourate quickly enough to avoid leaving a residue. Found them to be fine for LCDs and computer screen though.:|