Happy New Year

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Well its that time to shut off the net, and get ready for the big one.

Happy New Year to you all, hope 2006 is a good one for you, and me too.

Best wishes and see ya on the other side. :woot:
Happy New Year to you too Barry, and everyone else, my resolution is to get out more with my camera
Happy New Year Everyone, I'm just off on a round of neighbour visits and I tend to end up close to the floor by the end so make sure you all have a great time and don't get engaged to anyone you don't want to. :D

Venomator wishes all of us a happy, snappy, healthy, and wealthy 2006 ... each and every one !:dizzy: :banana:

Have fun everyone and catch you all next year.:smilenod:

Best wishes ... & keep :snap1:
Happy New Year everyone!
:clap: Happy New Year All:clap:
no hangover here either, but thats because i only had a couple of beers!
See my 'Hugs' post for the damage here...

Not even a sniff of a hangover here, two glasses of wine spread over 7 hours will do that for you. Happy New Year every one :)
Happy New Year all, big hang over here.........feels like head is splitting, just reaching for the neurofen now :dizzy: