Hare in a hedge

Nice sharp image of the hare, can't decide if the two sticks just infront of him frame him well or are distracting !
2 crackers there Den.
Sharp and lovely contrasting colours through the hare.
Well done
Two quality shots Den

First one for me

natural habitat looks superb.
Lovely shots Dennis, I prefer the second one, for sharpness and that its looking at you.

Thier is nothing better than to get eye contact with your subject ,on the above photo i had the shutter half pressed and i could hear myself saying please trust me and let me get the shot ,it did and i got a few more the only thing that spooked him was young lamb that came bounding by .....still hoping to get the magical boxing shot
I'd go more for the first, personally - true, it might be regarded as a little busy, but there's something appealing about that natural framing, not to mention the expression.. !

I suppose I'll have to try this "early morning" thing sometime. I'd love to actually catch sight of a hare, especially given they're becoming increasingly uncommon.
I like both of these, but I do prefer the first shot simply for the composition and the BG.
Love both images but prefer the first as it looks as it is 'natural', where as in the second he/she looks like a pet.
I can assure you Steve it's no pet ,4 hours in a field waiting in the same spot to get a full framed shot of a Brown hare was my full intention,the hedge shot was a bonus,comments apreciated as always(y)
Really well caught Dennis,not an easy subject to get a good photograph of.
Like them both Den, i never get quite close enough (y)
Being a ex soldier (and a obliging farmer ) helps, it may sound strange but a quite enjoy stalking them to a point were i get them in range ,you do get to know how far you can get to them before they disapear and i have actualy been on my belly covered with a camo blanket crawling blind then stopping and actualy being within 15ft of them ....just wish i could get those barn owl shot's like yourself.
So many inspiring shots on this forum, can't wait to get back into the nature groove and get back to my roots - only 12 more weddings left then I'll be back! Hares now on the "to capture" list.