Have I done something stupid?

Edit My Images
Well, obviously I have at some point. actually, every day at some point lol.

I have a bit of a thing about clutter at the moment, and that, coupled with a bottle of wine and a desire to re-process about a years worth of images now I have some decent PS skills (stop sniggering at the back) have led me to a possibly rather rash action.

I've wiped absolutely all my photo's from my hard drive :eek:

Don't worry, I backed them all up to dvd (2 copies of each) first and verified them all so I knew they were good. This is in addition to the backups I normaly make every month.

However, I now feel rather vulnerable for some reason! Please re-assure me?

I just felt I couldn't see the wood for the trees with my work and bits and pieces all over the place were boiling my swede, my workflow had gone all to pot and it was driving me mental.

Fortunately I decided against my initial impulse to genuinely wipe the slate clean and start again from the beginning.

I hate to say it, but I feel like running away and joining a buddhist monastery at the moment due to extreme mental clutter!

Failing that, I just need a good holiday.

Anyway, glad I got that off my chest. If nothing else, this place provides good therapy :thinking: :cautious: :shrug: :wacky: :ty:
I've given up on DVD's, and wouldn't feel comfortable in your position.
I get flamed everywhere I say this, but I've had a few DVD's of different brands from different burners fail on me, either partially or totally. Good at time of burning, fail when I go to recall something.
So. No more DVD's for me.
Currently everything is triple backed up on hard disks. Yes, HDD's fail - but much less so these days than days of yonder. Two are external so's that should my PSU go MEGAFZZZZTTTT and do its darndest to fry everything in my PC, the externals will still be cushy.

Of course, if somebody drops a nuke on my house, I lose it all. You can't win, eh!
I stored all my images of my cats (and various other stuff) onto dvd and wiped them from the hard drive. When I came to look at them again, the dvd wouldn't work :crying: I don't have my cats anymore, so I was gutted.
All my pics are on my hard drive, so I'm screwed if that fails. I should get around to backing them up onto something but not sure what after my last experience :shrug:
I stored all my images of my cats
I misread this as
I stored all my images on my cats
Early morning shocker!
I should get around to backing them up onto something but not sure what after my last experience
External hard drive, maybe? Not absolutely ideal but still better than nowt.

The other thing with hard drives is that they rarely fail completely totally & utterly - most of the data is usually retreivable if it really needs to be (although for £££'s).
I misread this as " I store all my images on cats"
ROFL! (sorry Min)

Tbh, Im so new to all the techno stuff, you could have told me this and Id have gone & bought myself a cat (good excuse as Id like one anyway).

Gandhi, Im in the same place as you with my mental clutter, and as my pc was groaning under the weight of all my pics, I thought Id start the clean up there & began copying to Cd's & DVD. As I was labelling them I kept trying to ignore the word 'Tesco' imprinted on the discs. Im so green in this dept. I dont know if a cutprice disc is as good as any other and if not, what the others are to buy.
Like you I felt very ulnerable so I bit the bullet and went & got myself an external hardrive. Yes it can fail but personally I feel safer with this than the disc method.
Oh, & if anyone should decide to nuke my house ... lucky for me I look good in orange ;)
160 gig external drive for £50 here to put your mind at rest a bit?
I put 2.3Gb of wedding photo's onto a dvd and I can't open ½ of them on the same machine that burnt the disc.

beware dvd burners :cautious:
I know of one or two people who have had trouble with DVD's, but seems quite a few have here.
Tbh mate I'd get all those DVD's now and plonk everything back on the PC, then have a rethink about how you organise & backup stuff.
I have little faith in DVD's and to be honest the whole process of burning discs is a drag, so I rely on replicating everything on three hard drives... 2x300gigs and 1x200 gig. One 300 gig drive is USB pluggable.
... I feel like running away and joining a buddhist monastery at the moment due to extreme mental clutter!

:) Well maybe not running away to one, but just going for a break is pretty good. I've been twice, last time was no talking for two weeks so f***ing very cool. I loved it ;-) Each to their own tho'. I fancy going again some time this year.
Hmmm well I have all my originals, backup TIFFS, and processed TIFFS on DVD, so that's three backups......on DVD...

Although I'm getting worried now with all this talk of failing DVD's.
I've coped one lot of processed TIFFS back onto HD so I know they at least work.

As for clearing out and starting again Gandhi, no I think you've done the right thing.

When I tidied up my workflow, I started again so to speak. Renamed and structured all my shots properly, cos finding things was becoming a pain.

I now have a logical ordered system, which works well.
I've just ordered one of these - NAS drive. Liked the idea of backup and print server in one as I won't need the PC on to print from a laptop anymore.
When I tidied up my workflow, I started again so to speak. Renamed and structured all my shots properly, cos finding things was becoming a pain.

I now have a logical ordered system, which works well.

this is what I was aiming for eventually. I'm about to change webhosts, re-design my gallery to include some sort of blog page (cos all the cool kids are doing it) and provide the option to purchase prints. I can't do this until I've sorted the images to a point where they're of saleable quality and I have the right files, can't do that til I've re-processed everything lol.

Thanks for the feedback though, will be off to purchase a nice big Disk next week just to be sure though.

I'm also hopin moving house in the next couple of weeks will allow me to de-clutter my life properly and get some headspace too. I like being a rolling stone and moss just means woolly thinking to me!