Have I made the right decision?

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I recently bought a brand new Canon 600D, but will be exchanging it for a second hand Nikon D7000 from a friend of mine. I have always been a Canon fan since I was young, but feel that for my budget, the D7000 is possibly the best choice for me. I will sell the Canon and make a slight loss, but feel it is the right decision for me.

I aim to become a wedding second shooter for a pro photographer and currently I am doing shadow work. At this time I can only afford one body and one lens, so need some advice on which model to go for...

Canon 600D or Nikon D7000?
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Almost feels like I'm betraying the Canonite family, but the Canon D7000 felt right when I used it. Canon 600D had plastic feel bout it too much, but still good for its value. Dark side it is!
Almost feels like I'm betraying the Canonite family, but the Canon D7000 felt right when I used it. Canon 600D had plastic feel bout it too much, but still good for its value. Dark side it is!

I see you are resisting the force.... I'm sure you will enjoy the D7000, I find myself using it in the studio alongside my D3. It resolves great detail, colour and contrast (y)
Almost feels like I'm betraying the Canonite family, but the Canon D7000 felt right when I used it. Canon 600D had plastic feel bout it too much, but still good for its value. Dark side it is!

Canon D7000 that will never do if you wish to become a sith lord:)
Have used it once and was impressed with it. I had the 50mm 1.4 lens with it, was great in low light conditions...
This sound just like me I bought my 600d about 7 weeks ago and I'm upgrading too for a d7000 I have to first find the 600d a new owner . And like you I will lose some money. Only I don't have a friend that is sellng their d7000.
Yeah, that's too weird lol. The D7000 has too many benefits over the Canon 600D, but will make a loss of not too much I hope. I haven't found a new owner either and not sure whether to go on eBay or to a 2nd hand shop...what you doing?
If I put it on ebay I lose 10% plus paypal charges.It's very annoying not a big fan of ths dslr to get the result I want I would have to buy top of the range lens that cost alot which don't see the reason to do and even that wouldn't solve it to be honest.Second hand shops are worse they're reselling they need to make profit and will give you rubbish price
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You right. I'm not in to Canon or Nikon loyalty. My tool must do what I want it to do if it can't it will be changed for something that can
which ever side you go for one day you will think you want to switch side and n or c suddenly have a new super desirable feature that you think you won't be able to live with out...

you will be able to live without it - and the folllowing year the other side will catch up and your equilibrium will be restored

forget the brand, enjoy the photography
If I put it on ebay I lose 10% plus paypal charges.It's very annoying not a big fan of ths dslr to get the result I want I would have to buy top of the range lens that cost alot which don't see the reason to do and even that wouldn't solve it to be honest.Second hand shops are worse they're reselling they need to make profit and will give you rubbish price

Try Preloved.co.uk
Its free to advertise, and I've been surprised at the response when I've sold things on there.
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Agree, £350 is about the price they are going for on eBay (once you take off your charges) although you can get a new one for just over £400 and re-furb for £390 but as usual with eBay there are people that pay more for a used one!
hmm 350? I would rather not sell it it's a huge loss. I brought it from Argos like 2 months ago I would be forced to keep it
Personally I would compare the Canon 600D to Nikon's D3200 / 5200 camera's. The Nikon D7000 is a step up again and is more equal to the 60D model which are aimed at the intermediate user, but comparing camera models nowadays is just more confusing than ever.

Canon 1100D (entry)
Canon 600D (entry)
Canon 60D (intermediate)
Canon 7D (intermediate)
Canon 6D (intermediate)
Canon 5D MKIII (pro)
Canon 1D (pro)

Nikon 3200D (entry)
Nikon 5200D (entry)
Nikon 7000D (intermediate)
Nikon 600D (intermediate)
Nikon 300Ds (intermediate)
Nikon 800D (pro)
Nikon D3 (pro)
Personally I would compare the Canon 600D to Nikon's D3200 / 5200 camera's. The Nikon D7000 is a step up again and is more equal to the 60D model which are aimed at the intermediate user, but comparing camera models nowadays is just more confusing than ever.

Canon 1100D (entry)
Canon 600D (entry)
Canon 60D (intermediate)
Canon 7D (intermediate)
Canon 6D (intermediate)
Canon 5D MKIII (pro)
Canon 1D (pro)

Nikon 3200D (entry)
Nikon 5200D (entry)
Nikon 7000D (intermediate)
Nikon 600D (intermediate)
Nikon 300Ds (intermediate)
Nikon 800D (pro)
Nikon D3 (pro)

I wanted a step,up definitely, but do appreciate my skills are basic as I am a beginner. However, I wanted a camera to grow into. I have always been a Canon buyer, but couldn't afford the Canon 7D. Also, the tog who I shadow with is a Nikon user, so he sold me his Nikon D7000. I don't think I could ever buy off the net 2nd hand from a stranger. Never have done before, so wouldn't want to risk a big purchase as my first buy.
pete.rush said:
Personally I would compare the Canon 600D to Nikon's D3200 / 5200 camera's. The Nikon D7000 is a step up again and is more equal to the 60D model which are aimed at the intermediate user, but comparing camera models nowadays is just more confusing than ever.

Canon 1100D (entry)
Canon 600D (entry)
Canon 60D (intermediate)
Canon 7D (intermediate)
Canon 6D (intermediate)
Canon 5D MKIII (pro)
Canon 1D (pro)

Nikon 3200D (entry)
Nikon 5200D (entry)
Nikon 7000D (intermediate)
Nikon 600D (intermediate)
Nikon 300Ds (intermediate)
Nikon 800D (pro)
Nikon D3 (pro)

Pete, generally agree with your Nikon list but nikon always class the d300 as a pro body, sorry I don't know about canons range as I am a nikon shooter.
Losing 150+ is a lot don't think I can waste that amount of money

It is a lot of money and I think it is the right decision for me. At least now I can use lens with the tog that I shadow. I use his 50mm 1.4 quite abit and may start using his other lens when required...