Head shots

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First time in years I've tried a serious portrait. I welcome your criticism.
Thanks for looking.


Has to be one for me. Perhaps it is the subject but the first image shows less flaws. the second you seem to be drawn to the mouth but not in a good way.


I find your model's face in #1 overly bright and the differing number of catch lights in her eyes a bit distracting as is the ooof hair behind her head.

I much prefer #2 which I find easier on the eye but in portrait format to get her whole head in.
The eyes in #2 are not on the same focus and quite possibly out of focus, so for me this is very distracting.
1 for me is too flat and featureless, the 2nd as tyler says has one eye OOF.
You did what the model wanted? She was paying I take it, first spotted in portraits section.

Number one yes agree flat and non dimensional but do not understand the high sided jacket on neck, unless it is to hide the fact that it looks like she has lines or wrinkles on the neck from the B&W full face on shot.

Number two again personal choice but bleach, streaked hair seems to drain skin tone and seems to be forcing eyes wider, perhaps a little more direction from yourself in next session. Agree with the lights in eyes slightly distracting and agree that model in two shows skin flaws around mouth that could be edited out, lopsided lips and lipstick perhaps too over the top which also adds to showing these flaws.

Sorry about this, just showing like minded friends and have noticed that in #1 your model has on show both nostrils, not a good quality for a photographer to publicize, piggish features. I am sure that you can learn from this and with a new model with better features and more obvious skill time you can take on board critique mentioned and look forward to more posts.
