Hello From Leeds


Da Monstaa

Hi all. :wave:

I was recommended to this board from a Formula 1 Forum.

I'm only in the process of buying a new D SLR so would appreciate advice from experts here.

I currently have a 35mm SLR but I never really got into as it was not worth it for me to experiment, considering the digital era was starting to boom. I wished I had waited last time for the digital which at the time was still super expensive (about 4 years back), but my time machine is still not working, so I cannot turn back time.

Thanks for reading. :)
Hello, and welcome. :wave:

I live near Keighley so also not far from you.
How do! :wave:
Hi and welcome from another Leeds based member :)

What is the 35mm you have - do you have additional lenses with it??


Hi All :wave:

Hi Gary :wave:

My camera is a Nikon F80 with an AF Nikkor 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5D lens.

I'm afraid I'm not very knowledgable :embarrassed:. According to my proposed timescale I should currently be an advanced enthusiast now, but it never really got off the ground due to the reasons mentioned.

I posted a thread asking whether I can still utlise the lens or not in the Lens Section- would appreciate feedback on this. :nod:

I plan to have a D SLR in 2 months maximum. I'm not going to rush into this like I did with my 35mm SLR Project- look where it got me. I want to get as much knowledge as possible, especially with this lens thingie.

My shopping list at present seems to be in order 1- D80, 2- D40x, 3- D40. Hopefully without the lens, if I can still salvage my lens.

Thanks all for what seemingly looks like a friendly forum.
Hi and welcome :wave:
Hi and welcome to TPF!
I'm not 100% sure, better wait for someone a bit more knowledgable on Nikons, but i'm fairly certain you lens will fit on the D80 at least.

Of the 3 cameras you mentioned, the D80 is the least restrictive when it comes to lens types as the D40(x) have to use lenses with the autofocus mechanism built into them, any other lens becomes manual focus only IIRC

Not far from you mate, I live just outside Harrogate..:)

Hi all. :wave:

:ty: for the generous welcome. :D :D :D

Many from Yorkshire here it seems.
reference your query about the lens, if it is a AF d or AF g type lens then it will fit and work normally on the D80.

I have a D80 happy to answer any queries you may have.

Yep loads of Leeds and general Yorkshire types on this forum