Hello From Me, Me and Him

Chris Shaw
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Hello Folks

Thought I would sign up to here after discovering the link by accident

Real name is Chris, however I have been known as loafy (no long story) for a while now, so i kinda stick with it

I have been shooting with Nikon since 2005, and at the start of this year did a night school in photography to start under standing how to take a photo correct as i was a guilty sinner of using presets and raw

I would say I have a love for automotive photography but night time city shots too, but with the recent college work, I have found a love in studio work.

I have shot for a few various magazines over the years in the UK, mainland Europe and east coast USA, but it has never been a full time job, just a paid hobby to see the world a bit.

Why have i joined? Well to take my photography to the next stage, to pick up tips, and hopefully make some good friends along the way.

These are a few of my sample shots from three nights ago


