Hello There!

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Hi All,

My name, as my username suggests, is James Wheeler.

I shoot mostly aviation but also dabble in wildlife outside of the flying season and enjoy taking photos of my Labrador.

I started photography around 1993 as a GCSE subject at school. I left school at 16 and my first job was as a photographer's assistant and black and white print technician for a commercial studio.

I stopped photography after leaving there as I had to pay for processing fees again and couldn't afford it :) I got back into digital photography early 2007 (I think) and straight into the aviation side of things.

I look forward to seeing what the forum is about and maybe posting a few images.

Hi James, I'm a newby too! Just joined a few days ago. As an aviation person mabe you could answer my post? Topic: Queens Birthday flypast.
Cheers fellow newby!