Hello to you all, from Dundee!!

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Just thought I'd say hello! Decided to buy myself a DSLR and give this a bash! I sparked my interest last weekend at The Kelpies, in Scotland. Enjoyed taking shots of them so much with my G10 I have taken the plunge and bought a Canon EOS 700D. I guess I will be on here quite a bit looking for advice etc. (I've already started as I'm now looking for a bag!) so I should get to know one or two of you! Cheers for now!!
Hello and welcome to the forum :welcome:
Hi Steve, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums. "Enjoy".
Hi mate, and welcome, another fellow Dundonian here..... :)
Hi Steve and a warm welcome to TP.
Hope you enjoy yourself here :) and you're new Camera