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I've been doing a year long course in photography covering all the elements. I'm about 9 months in and really enjoying it. Upside is that I get to get outside. Downside is that I question my ability. Practice makes perfect I guess. I am wondering what to do after my year course ends - maybe some courses in pet, landscape , wildlife or street photography which are the subjects that I like. Although, I have heard that it could be beneficial for me to experiments with this things out of my comfort zone like portraits. I use an XT-4 and have a small range of lenses. Question - how do I get more confident in my pictures. I think that creativity is my downfall. Does practice really make perfect? Thanks:)
Welcome aboard. I'm sure lots of suggestions and advice will come your way, but chief among them will be to just get loads of practice and watch Youtube videos. But the more you practice and learn what works and what doesn't, the better you will get. When you think you have something that works, share it in the appropriate section here and ask for critique, to get opinions and advice. We have some great photographers on the site covering every genre, and although one or two can vie a bit blunt, by and large you will get helpful suggestions and maybe even an offer of a buddy/mentor session with someone.
Good luck and enjoy.
Welcome to the forum Philip. Yes, practice makes perfect, although in my case, having practised for 45+ years, I still need, more practice!

Enjoy the forum :welcome:
Hi Philip, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums. "Enjoy"