
Edit My Images

i took a sunset and as i do not have grads i want two combine two images. I exposed one for the skya dn one for the field.

now how do i combine them. i have PS elements 5

please please please help


Sorry Mark - I dont have elements BUT the following should still apply.

Open both images. on one, ctrl a and then ctrl c to copy it. Open the second image and ctrl v to paste the 1st into a new layer.

Open a layer mask and selecting a brush and the colour black, paint out the detail that you DONT want in the 1st picture. This will bring through the detail of the one you do in the second.

If you make a mistake, swap to white and it brings the detail back.

Adjusting the size, hardness, opacity and flow of the paintbrush will help with finer detail

hope that helps
you don't get layer masks on photoshop elements i think?

anyway thanks
Not sure if elements has layer masks. If not, you can use the erase tool on the top layer to revove the area you want to hide. Use a large soft brush initially and clean up with a smaller brush if you need to. As Johnny states adjusting the size/opacity/hardness will give varying control of what you want to keep/hide.
thanks, i have used the erasr tool and it has worked perfectly.

thanks guys
it is pretty rubbish but you can see if you want.
i can't find it, i saved it worng and ithas been deleted and not in the recycle bin, oh well never mind.
Thats a shame - do you have the option to 'open recent' in Elements under the File menu? If so, it may not have been deleted, just misfiled.......

If not - at least you know the technique now. ;)