Help! Damsel in distress......

Edit My Images
I'm going to go mad!
I have a lovely Toshiba laptop on 'Rentsmart' with PC WOrld and I LOVE IT.

Only a few weeks ago, I noticed that CS3 was getting a bit slow to upload images and then when surfing things would grind to a halt, I wouldn't be able to action anything on the screen.

I'd use 'Start Task Manager' and find that when it happened during CS3 it wasn't responding, so then I'd stop it and fire it up again.
When surfing there'd be no indictaion of a problem 'running' so I'd close it anyway and re-fire up as no matter how long I waited it would stay static.

Hope this is making sense ;)

So, I took it the techguys at PC World who looked at it for 3 long days and gave it back with a clean bill of health, no problem found and ALL my cookies removed (should have expected that, but how annoying!)

My OH, a bit of a PC whizz is stumped, he tried to help by taking off CS3 and reloading it which helped a teeny bit for a week or so.

Since then, it's continued and got steadily worse to the point where this week it's taken 3 minutes per image to upload (Yes - 3!!) and tonight ground down to not responding after 2 long boring hours of trying editing.

I have noticed the RAM has something taking up 32% all the time on it and we can't find what it could be?

I'm cautious to return to PC World, even if I do pay for the service, do any of you lovely lot have any ideas?

ok, i don't get the relation between cs3 and upload - how are you uploading to the internet through cs3 (I assume you mean photoshop)?
What operating system are you running and what are the specs, RAM size I mean, it might help.

Also, disk clean ups and clearing cookies and that kind of thing alwats help.

also, do you have programs running in the background without realising it, usually from booting? Task manager shoudl tell you what is using all that ram, oh and do you have lots of desktop icons? I know its stupid, but the amount of times people have made the same complaint only to find they have the 'my documents' folder on the desktop, NOT a shortcut, the actual folder! :bonk:
Hi Ianm,
I meant 'opening' images in CS3 not uploading....sorry! (from a file)

I use Vista and my RAM is 3G
In the 'services' section of 'task manager', I can see lots of things running but the vast majority I can't recognise, it's all codes etc. but I don't want to stop them as have no idea what they are?!!!

The only application running right now is this one.......
Wish I knew more about this damn stuff!

can you give me a screenshot of the task manager window, i'll see what i can see
Hi Ianm,
I meant 'opening' images in CS3 not uploading....sorry! (from a file)

I use Vista and my RAM is 3G
In the 'services' section of 'task manager', I can see lots of things running but the vast majority I can't recognise, it's all codes etc. but I don't want to stop them as have no idea what they are?!!!

The only application running right now is this one.......
Wish I knew more about this damn stuff!


can you take a screen shot of the task manager so the techies can see what is running and why, and what can be turned off? [you might have to take a couple if it requires scrolling to see it all] Post the shots here so we can see what is there?

also, do you run a spyware program such as ad-aware, and anti-virus?
Can't see how to do a screen shot on this pooter, had a key on last one if I remember right

i think Yv is right though, about the possibility of spyware, adware or malware running unless you have some memory intensive task running.
no - spyware, adware and malware are programs designed to track your computer and cause harm respectively - nothing to do with antivirus.
an antivirus application will not get rid of spyware and adware in most cases - very few antivirus application do this.
I use AVG that checks for spyware - me thinks.
Have found the printscreen key but can't get it to work on here!!!!!!
hmm, i really need to see that screen to help more - just out of interest what do you have start up with your computer?
Although my OH isn't very vista savvy, he's had a look and disabled everything not needed in startup........
Have got screen shot, how do i get it on here?!
doesn't look like we can do attachments on here - try an image host then link it here maybe?
To put the screenshot on here, make things simple, open up paint paste the screenshot into paint save it then upload via photobucket or imageshack, then put the forum img code onto here.

And something that might make it run a fair bit quicker, is to give a disk cleanup and then degragg the hard drive. Should make it run a bit smoother.
I would download the trial versions of TuneUp Utilities 2009 or Vista Manager and run it. I think your hard disk and registry need a good clean.
according to what she is saying, the whole system is running slow - hadn't got to defragging yet but could well be jordie.
Defrag has been done, I'm told ;)
MAtty, no idea what the scratch disc is??!! I'm intrigued!
Will give Ben's suggestionsa go asap.
Fingers crossed my link to screen shot works!!

There's 4 altogether.

i can't tell much off that - that is the services tab, really need the processes tab and performance tab

Edit: images set to private - need to be public :)
Defrag has been done, I'm told ;)
MAtty, no idea what the scratch disc is??!! I'm intrigued!
Will give Ben's suggestionsa go asap.
Fingers crossed my link to screen shot works!!

There's 4 altogether.


changed your link for you :) larger here

You'll need to do one with processes showing
How'd you do that? want to know when I put some images up elsewhere....
on here I mean ;)
Guys, have to go, I can't see anymore! Too late and been on screen for way too many hours! (Plus will have my little daughter waking me at 6!)
Will log back tomoro for more info from u lovely people thanks!
IE is taking up the most memory for starters - that's all i can tell from that
How'd you do that? want to know when I put some images up elsewhere....
on here I mean

right click on your hosted image chose properties then copy the address and in your post

Have a look in the tutorials there's a guide in there
to do 'diagnostic boot' do START->RUN and type msconfig then from the general tab pick diagnostic startup then click OK and re-boot. you can also see whats starting up from the other tab
I've had a look at the list of running processes, nothing out of the ordinary there. Looking at your System Tray, there's not too many apps running in the background either. 30% ish of the memory being used is normal as well - Windows has to run somewhere!

Ask your other half if he can run Memtest86 on it - you can download a bootable disc image from here - this will check for any memory errors. If you have the recovery media from Toshiba, and if Memtest comes up with nothing, I'd be looking at a Windows problem, and try a reinstall.
Thanks for all your help last night.
Well, googled the problem and checked adobe forums today and a common cause cropping up was network printers.
So, diconnected ours (was put on roughly arond the time we started getting probs - not that it occured to me!)
And............yay! one speedy CS3.
Also have moved the scratch disc over to another drive with more space.
Going to worry about the printer issue later, just relieved to be getting some work done!
Thankyou thankyou