HELP! - First attempt at light painting

I'd say that was a blooming great first attempt (y) I would like to see a little more light on the rear tyre and front off side tyre :D and also on the roof but other than that I would say it's great :clap:

Another little thing is I would like to see less light spill at the bottom of the frame but that could be sorted in PP with a nice dark vignette at the bottom (y)

Check out THIS guide to light painting car by Andrew (AndWhyNot) (y) it should help :D

I think it looks really good, I need to try this myself soon.

What happened on the rear wheel though? or is it just my monitor?
That is a great first attempt.
It looks like you have rushed the lightpainting by only using a 13 second exposure.
If you have one use a remote shutter and set your shutter speed to bulb. That will give you plently of time to paint the car.

Another + to the guide Matthew posted. Andrew is the man for lightpainting.
Thats looking really good to me (y)

Just the roof lacking a bit of definition, and its a little off centre but the lighting is very nice :)
Thanks for the complement and tips Michael.. I used exactly that, 13 seconds! (impressive!) - I think its about time I invested in a remote!

And thanks PGD!... Its after you posted on my other transport post I had a look at some of your previous threads and saw some of your light painted cars and thats what inspired me to go out and give this a go! Very inspirational! Thank you.
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And thanks PGD!... Its after you posted on my other transport post I had a look at some of your previous threads and saw some of your light painted cars and thats what inspired me to go out and give this a go! Very inspirational! Thank you.
Thankyou :) Its all AndWhyNot's fault though, he started me off.. I'm not complaining though, its a great technique imo (y)
Hey Ella,

Really good work, I'm going to have to take myself out of my comfort zone and try this. How did you get the detail on the headlights? Did you have the lights on with a high f number or did you add the flare in post production?

Thanks in advance,

Thankyou :) Its all AndWhyNot's fault though, he started me off.. I'm not complaining though, its a great technique imo (y)
Just had a look at some of his!.. There great!

stupid question... what torch/lightsource have you used?

I really need to buy a torch as i the ones i have are way too dull :LOL:

We just used a LED head torch from Tesco!.. cheap and simple :)

Hey Ella,

Really good work, I'm going to have to take myself out of my comfort zone and try this. How did you get the detail on the headlights? Did you have the lights on with a high f number or did you add the flare in post production?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Cheesy, Thanks for your kind words! I recommend going and giving it a go! All you need is a kit lens, A tripod and a torch.. Cheap and fun (y)
I have taken 2 pictures.. the first was just of the headlights with a shorter exposure and a high F value.
The second was with the headlight off and the long exposure and then I have layered them in PP. (hope this makes sense?)

WOW what a sexy car. Wish I had one like that :( Great work Ella. Faultless.

Haha.. At first I read this and thought.. yes it is a sexy car and I wish I had one too, Then was going to tell you someone had said that you car was sexy.. then I realised it was you!... Thanks again and again for the use of your sexy, shiny car Scott! And thanks for being nice about this picture x

Thanks again guys!
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For lighting the car that's a great first attempt. A little dark in places and patchy in others but overall pretty good.

Looks like your lightpainting was done from static locations around the car rather than by continuously moving with your light (if I'm wrong then the patchy lighting is down to you not moving far enough along the car). It's the best way when you're using a hard light like a torch but you can only get away with that on a light car. Dark cars need softer light and fluid movement.

Your learning curve is pretty steep but I want to see your next shot from a location where you haven't just blacked out the BG. Speaking of which, check your rear wheel ;)
Hi Ella,

I really like your photograph it wouldn't look out of place in a Renault catalogue. You could experiment with the same technique just after sundown to get some great skyshots in addition. These cold winter nights with stars are a great backdrop and you don't have to stay up hours to get your shot. i love this time of year.
I think it looks really good, I need to try this myself soon.

What happened on the rear wheel though? or is it just my monitor?

No it's not your monitor, something dodgey going on over and around rear wheel.
That is a seriously good photograph, and if that is your first attempt, then you are very good indeed. It could easily appear in a glossy mag, or catalogue.
Andrew: I appreciate your comment, But I would really appreciate it if you could take the time on how I could improve my masking rather than just telling me its bad as I'm not even sure I know what it is let alone knowing how to go about improving it. Thank you.

Added a note and comment on flickr
I would turn lights of next time. They bug a bit. But very good result. Nice lighting good strong colours. Sharp and clean good effort