Help if possible

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I have a photograph that I would like to get made into a canvas for a christmas present for my mother in law
My sister in law passed away 2 weeks ago , it was very sudden .......ANYWAY , I have a photo I would like to put on canvas of my mother in law with her three children BUT she doesn't like it because of the position she is in pushes her chest out . Is there anything I can do with it .......I would like her to love it for the right reason and not not like it because of one ! Can anyone help me please ......she has no recent photos of her daughter who passed away and she likes this photo I took of them for her 80th birthday but then she looks at her chest and tuts !!(the lady with the brown top on)

And can I also suggest getting it printed and put into a nice frame rather than a canvas? I don't think this particular photo (as nice as it is) will suit a canvas. Just my 2p :)
Yes Betty .....already changed my mind to go with frame instead .

Liquify ?
Had a quick look, not sure if this is any better?

Hahaha Steve could you do them smaller ? Bit of a delicate issue isnt it ?
I think its much better thanks Steve . Will print it out and see how it looks
Hi great job on this hope it printed ok. Off work today "Plasterer" so no expert at this stuff but I had a play. Same as Steve (I think) but I also flipped it not sure if it averts the eye or if it's just the same.



Do you know what ? Flipping the picture has made a great difference . I will now have a play about and see what they're like when I print them out . I know its not the best of pictures with that 'halo' effect around my mother in laws head but she likes it and doesn't have the same critical eye (thank god!)
Thank you so much for your help ......I'm sure she will love it . :)