Help me choose a new digital camera

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I just lost my out the back of the bag of my motorcycle,whilst flying down the highway:puke:Olympus Camdia C310 Zoom,which was way high tech for me (I'm in my 50's)
So I thought it was high tech,my son(21) said to me a while back,when I was complaining about the batteries going flat all the time.
He said I should get a new camera.
So my question is,are there new generation camera's that consume less batteries?
I'm not really fussy,I like x3 optical lens+.
Can someone suggest a compact,a new generation,something I can get second hand on E bay,as with the trend nowadays,people just dump their older models and go for the new.
I'm looking for a good camera with all the modern ...........things,i.e low battery consumption,more than 3x optical would be nice.Not a brand new model,something thats been out for a while,something that people are now bored with.
I will take your suggestions,then browse Ebay
Appreciate your time
Also easy to use
Forgot to mention........EASY TO USE
Yes,I have budget,but like I was explaining,with people going for new stuff all the time.
I only paid 20 squid for that Olympus.
I've used a Fuji 5800fd. It took a whole bunch of AAs and chewed through them like nobodies business. Not sure if that extends to the other Fujis but maybe something to research.

Sorry to hear about your camera and best of luck. :)
Finally,I asked all the sellers on Ebay,who where selling Olympus cameras like the one I lost,what they replaced them with?
So I ended up buying a Vivitar 10.0 Megapixel
Thanks though for the suggestions!:clap: