Critique Help Need to develop confidence

Too many photo.
First of all, in my opinion do not be scared to show your work.
Share something is similar to meet people anyone has his own opinion and nothing of these are the real true in itself. That's only a bunch of opinion noting more, nothing else, so do not be scare.
Take the best of it and ignore the other things.

About your pictures, i see many things. People and portraits, object and a sort of night landscape.
Seems to be a sort of reportage (i don't know if the "reportage word is correct, i mean a series of shoot that tell a story about something)
Or I figure out that's a work you have done to build up your portfolio, so, i figure out to say something about that in this contest.
I bet you like portraits. The group of the last three shoots are the best of this series. I like the faces, I' don't like the way you cut out hands and elbows. The so called rule in this case is not cut where there something that can fold ( elbows, knees, wrist...) so be careful of that.
The "seems to be double exposure" looks like an exercise, and could work on a series of many photo like that, not in itself (hey, it's my opinion, i could be wrong)
I see the first woman seated on green tubes, and even if i see a good look selection of colors an the background is coherent and congruent with the subject dresses, I ask my self why someone so well dressed has to sit down in a place like that.

However, i don't want discourage you, what i see is a good knowledge of techniques, and if i could pick up the best photos of this series, i pick the last one of each post.
Simple, clear and natural pictures. Nothing too much posed, an that's what i looking for when i'm going shooting pictures. I see a contact within me and the subject, somthing deeper than a posed portrait and i'm sorry i'm not able to explain it better. In my opinion if you want do start doing photos for living, start with these two pictures. Thhese two tell me something (like elegance and empathy)

However, that's my opinion, and feel free to disagree or ignore these sentences.

Best whishes.

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They're good, I like 5 and the last one because it shows their character. I guess that's just me, but overall they are good!
There's rather too many to offer detailed feedback but if I could offer two criticisms it's that you
1. need to pay attention to every detail of what's in the frame
2. think about the placing of the subject within the frame.

The backgrounds of 2,3,4,6,8,9 & 10 are all letting the images down in my opinion.
The shot of 4 women is nearly fabulous – but lacks sharpness in places and the shadows aren’t doing you any favours.
The child's portrait is good. A smile would have brought it to life, and shooting from the child’s eye level might have made it a bit more engaging.

There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do this for a living one day but if you learn at the same rate as me then you're a little way off yet. As am I :)