help needed getting into macro

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I'm very new to photography and need some help with macro equipment,
Basically I've got a Canon 40d with an 18-55mm and a 55-250mm I've got a set of extension tube and that's pretty much it
so what is the cheapest way to get a macro setup that will give me something to work with ?
Any help will be very appreciated
Are the tubes ones with contacts? This is your cheapest way. Contacts allow you to keep metering and so on. A dedicated macro lens is the best but is also the most expensive
This. And if you're shooting still life macro (e.g. jewellery) you don't even need tubes with contacts. Just guess the exposure, set it manually, shoot, check histogram, tweak, repeat.
I was given the tubes there not the ones with contacts, I was playing about with the tubes and the 55-250 and was surprised how close I could zoom in, is there another lens to consider on the tubes that would be more effective ?
I would say I will mostly be taking pictures of my planted aquarium but would like to try some wild flowers, fungi etc
I guess effective is the wrong word, more suited maybe ? I'm looking at buying a Canon 50mm 1.8 but if there's a lens that would be more suited to macro on the extension tubes then that would be more of a priority
What do you mean by "suited"?

I'm not being pedantic. It seems that you aren't satisfied with the results you're getting with your existing lenses on the tubes, but you haven't given any indication as to why.
A 50 f1.8 and a set of cheap tubes with contacts (from about £35 upwards) would give you a good start. However, you could go for a Canon 50 f2.5 macro which also doubles as a general purpose lens or the Canon 60 f2.8. Both are dedicated macro lenses and can be had for reasonable prices second hand. If you have no budget restraints then a Canon 100 f2.8, a Sigma 105 f2.8 or a Tamron 90 f2.8 are all fantastic lenses as well.
I tend to use my macro lens with the set of extension tubes I have. If you're considering a new lens just to use with the tubes then a proper macro lens will be easier to work with on its own and you can add the tubes when you need more magnification.
If you are wanting a true Macro lens and not shooting Life (insects etc), then I'd look at the Sigma 50mm Macro, not that expensive and doubles up as a 50mm prime also...

Cheapest way is a set of tubes as has been discussed
If you are wanting a true Macro lens and not shooting Life (insects etc), then I'd look at the Sigma 50mm Macro, not that expensive and doubles up as a 50mm prime also...

Cheapest way is a set of tubes as has been discussed

There is no such thing as a 50mm prime on a crop body though...
Yes there is, otherwise how do i get shots with my 50mm f1.8 on my 40d?

Its not 50mm tho is it? 50mm x 1.6 isnt 50

The whole point of a 'nifty 50' is the perspective. You dont get that on a crop as its not 50mm
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On the OP's question though, my macro set up is an old 50mm prime pentacon lens with a m42 screw mount, a set of manual extension tubes and an eos to m42 adaptor. whole setup cost me about 25 quid. if using manual extension tubes you really need a lens that you can control the aperture manually like these old lenses have.

but yes, since I bought that setup the extension tubes with the contacts have dropped in price a lot.