Help needed to choose first dslr!!!!!

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Hi all

I realise that this is a very frequent question, but I am in need of some advice on buying a DSLR. I am currently borrowing my dads Nikon D50. I am looking at doing landscape photography.

After doing a lot of research online these are the cameras that have caught my attention

Nikon d3100
Nikon d5100
Nikon d3200
Canon EOS 550d
Canon EOS 600d

They all seem to be mainly priced the same online on jessops and amazon. I also understand that the lens is very important and most of these cameras that are around £500 mark mainly come with the standard lenses (18mm - 55mm) with some exceptions.

With my budget of around £500 may be able to stretch to £600, I have always bought new and seeing so many of you good people also recommend buying second hand, I appreciate this but find it hard to trust second hand goods. Buying second hand would give me choice on lenses but I am more inclined to buy new with standard lens and then add lenses as I go when I become more used to the camera.

So, any thoughts and advice on the above cameras would be greatly received. My dad wants his camera back and I just want to get out there and shoot!

Many thanks
I'm not a Nikon man so cant help you on the choices but if your dad has a Nikon then I would suggest going with the same brand as you will be able to borrow and swap accessories and lenses.

You'll probably prefer the layout as well if you're used to it. Ive always found that playing with Nikons is like writing left handed, it just feels wrong because I'm used to Canon... I'm right handed by the way :)
Hi there,

DigitalRev a trader on here has a 600D with the standard kit lens 18-55mm and also the 55-200mm Lens, all for £559.99.

Link Here

Also has the Nikon 3100 with 2 Lenses, for £600.00

Link Here
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I was in similar position a year ago. Bought a Nikon D3100 with 18-55 kit lens and 55-200 VR. Joined a club and haven't regretted it. Now adding to the lens and filter collection but that's more experience gained for what I like to photograph.
D3200 has a huge increase in megapixels but D3100 still works fine and would allow you to add in the lens/ accessories dept for the same money. I've recently invested in a 10-20mm lens but would think that a good tripod and head set along with some ND grads would benefit your landscape photography aspirations in conjunction with a kit lens initially.

Can't comment on canon or sony as I just don't know. One year in and I'm hooked though.
Phall82 said:
I'm not a Nikon man so cant help you on the choices but if your dad has a Nikon then I would suggest going with the same brand as you will be able to borrow and swap accessories and lenses.

You'll probably prefer the layout as well if you're used to it. Ive always found that playing with Nikons is like writing left handed, it just feels wrong because I'm used to Canon... I'm right handed by the way :)

Hi Phall82

That's what I was thinking, all research really has been done on the nikons but just recently looked at the canon models. The cameras I am looking at are pretty much similar in specs but it is what you are use to in terms of interface, layouts etc.

Jim_Tod said:
I was in similar position a year ago. Bought a Nikon D3100 with 18-55 kit lens and 55-200 VR. Joined a club and haven't regretted it. Now adding to the lens and filter collection but that's more experience gained for what I like to photograph.
D3200 has a huge increase in megapixels but D3100 still works fine and would allow you to add in the lens/ accessories dept for the same money. I've recently invested in a 10-20mm lens but would think that a good tripod and head set along with some ND grads would benefit your landscape photography aspirations in conjunction with a kit lens initially.

Can't comment on canon or sony as I just don't know. One year in and I'm hooked though.

Thanks for the reply jim_tod.

The d3100 would be a good choice for the money and also like you said, a good tripod and some nd grads are essential buys for landscape. I'm going to Jessops tomorrow so am going to have a closer look at d3100 and d5100.
I was in the same boat as you dafunkydiabetic....
I purchased the 600D with standard kit lens 18-55mm with extra battery and remote control for £549 at curry's :) ( after weeks of research and reading reviews and it was down to the 5100D or 600D)I am very happy with the camera and the photos are great quality. The D5100 but it didn't feel right in my hands and I didnt like the grip ( but the quality on the photos look very good). Best advice I can give is go try these models out :)

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Orange_crunch said:
I was in the same boat as you dafunkydiabetic....
I purchased the 600D with standard kit lens 18-55mm with extra battery and remote control for £549 at curry's :) ( after weeks of research and reading reviews and it was down to the 5100D or 600D)I am very happy with the camera and the photos are great quality. The D5100 but it didn't feel right in my hands and I didnt like the grip ( but the quality on the photos look very good). Best advice I can give is go try these models out :)

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Thanks orange crunch

You got a good deal on the 600d there. Glad you are happy with your choice. I'm probably gonna stick to a Nikon as thats what i am used to, but as you said I will definitely get a feel for it in the shop first.

Thanks for the link, great help. Cheers
Hi all

I realise that this is a very frequent question, but I am in need of some advice on buying a DSLR. I am currently borrowing my dads Nikon D50. I am looking at doing landscape photography.

After doing a lot of research online these are the cameras that have caught my attention

Nikon d3100
Nikon d5100
Nikon d3200
Canon EOS 550d
Canon EOS 600d

They all seem to be mainly priced the same online on jessops and amazon. I also understand that the lens is very important and most of these cameras that are around £500 mark mainly come with the standard lenses (18mm - 55mm) with some exceptions.

With my budget of around £500 may be able to stretch to £600, I have always bought new and seeing so many of you good people also recommend buying second hand, I appreciate this but find it hard to trust second hand goods. Buying second hand would give me choice on lenses but I am more inclined to buy new with standard lens and then add lenses as I go when I become more used to the camera.

So, any thoughts and advice on the above cameras would be greatly received. My dad wants his camera back and I just want to get out there and shoot!

Many thanks

Convince your dad that he would be better off buying a new camera and giving his, then with the money you have go buy some awesome glass. :D
I was in the same boat as you dafunkydiabetic....
I purchased the 600D with standard kit lens 18-55mm with extra battery and remote control for £549 at curry's :) ( after weeks of research and reading reviews and it was down to the 5100D or 600D)I am very happy with the camera and the photos are great quality. The D5100 but it didn't feel right in my hands and I didnt like the grip ( but the quality on the photos look very good). Best advice I can give is go try these models out :)

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I second that. I was just about to say the same thing. Both are good but feel and layout are going to be what you deal with everyday. Just to add a bit of info, The Nikon is faster FPS but the canon has better video. Also the canon lenses (imo) stand above Nikon. This is very important because you are not buying a camera as much as you are buying into a system for years to come. Either one will make a good choice.
Thanks orange crunch

You got a good deal on the 600d there. Glad you are happy with your choice. I'm probably gonna stick to a Nikon as thats what i am used to, but as you said I will definitely get a feel for it in the shop first.

Thanks for the link, great help. Cheers

It was a very close call with the D5100 and 600D and whatever camera you choose I am sure you will be very happy.
Comet had the 600D in stock for £549 if you click and collect, I went to currys and they had it down for £590 I said DO you price match ? They asked to see proof and said our deal has a free extra battery and remote so no they wont price match. I said but the extra battery and remote are free ?....they said OK £549.98 it is :naughty:
I would normally advise anyone looking for a dslr to go into a shop and handle the ones within budget and get the one that suits your hands the best. I didn't think of this when I was going for my first and I'd bought and paid for a 550D before I'd even seen one in the flesh so to speak.
However, my experience was fortunate and the first time I ever picked one up it felt like it had been in my hands for years. I've since changed bodies a few times, all Canons and all felt great for me, and I've only just sold the first 550D body I got this week.
Whichever brand you go for they are all going to do a decent job of giving you great photos as none of them are badly made, not just talking Canon and Nikon here either.
I just want to throw a few things into the mix,

Firstly i would suggest thinking long and hard as to weather you really want a DSLR that shoots HD Video and weather thats your thing,

and also i would certainly recommend looking at second hand equipment,

my first DSLR was a Canon 350 D and i then umed and arghhed for ages about the next purchase new,

i finally settled on a used 1D mark 2, i had no need for Video as this is not my thing and i like the way the older kit produces its own signiture Look

i have never looked back...just a few ideas, its quite scary what kit is out there that is in mint condition, low Shutter Actuations, and very reasonble against Brand new Kit

any how just a few thoughts hope you manage to find your perfect camera no matter the Brand,

Happy Shooting
If your dad has a NIkon then in my opinion it's a no brainer and get yourself one too, sharing lenses flashes and such will save you a fortune over time.
If your dad has a NIkon then in my opinion it's a no brainer and get yourself one too, sharing lenses flashes and such will save you a fortune over time.

Totally agree with this and it's how I ended up with Nikon gear. Never even tried Canon.
yup that makes sense, from my first Canon Dslr, i stayed in Brand, becuase ultimatly, its the Lenses that you invest it, as bodies come and go,
so sticking with the Nikon so you can share Lenses, is a top idea, as for Canon vs Nikon, quite frankly its the dullest argument on the planet and never get involved in it....
Thanks for all your comments. I am definitely staying with Nikon, I know that for a fact lol. At the moment I am swaying towards the new D3200 but jessops do have a great deal on the D3100 with 2 lenses. But definitely a decision that will not be rushed. As for the buy second hand, I am also now taking that into account so looking for the best/reliable places for second hand dslr's. Any online places if anyone can recommend would be brill

Thanks again everyone.