Help needed with 7D!

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Right, I'm messing about with my 7D's video abilities, but can't seem to find the right output format after editing. Most of the ones I've tried have ended up with colossal file sizes (like, 10x the original ), or hideously jumpy video.

Example from this evening:
I've recorded a short clip of one of the kittens, 1920x1080 @ 24fps. Naturally, the 7D has produced a .mov file. I've put this into Sony Vegas 10, trimmed the crap off the beginning and end, added a fade in/out at either end. Now comes the annoying bit... Finding the 'correct' output format...

Anybody got any suggestions? Maybe I'm recording it in the wrong format, or i'm missing a part of the editing workflow?!

I'm excellent with still images, it's these ****in' video formats which get to me I won't be beaten though
Not really sure what format Sony Vegas takes but the h.264 format that 7d uses is not an editing format. I'd download mpeg streamclip (free) and convert your files before editing, but sorry can't help with which format you want!
What is your intended use for the file you output? are you wanting to put it online? a dvd or just archive it?
What is your intended use for the file you output? are you wanting to put it online? a dvd or just archive it?

Primarily online, I doubt I'll ever upload in greater than 720p. Would it be beneficial to record in 1280x720@50fps?