Help needed

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Hi all first post in a while. Ive been out of action since september but now have a new Eos 650D. The problem I now have is the resolution on my monitor and my graphics card are not up to the job when I open canon dpp. So the question is what monitor and graphics card do you all recomend to solve this problem. Im currently running a packard bell with an nvidia graphics card.

Thanks in advance Rhys
What size monitor do you have (in inches), what resolution are you running at currently and what is the model number of the graphics card (we can find out what resolution it is capable of)
Hi the Graphics card is a geforce 8600 gs and my monitor is 17" Dell. A friend came over last night and said it might fix it to use a monitor with dvi fitting?. I think the res is at 1280 x 1024
1280x1024 is what I'd expect from a 17" monitor.

Budget (and what's the rest of the computer as you may well find that is due for a bit of an upgrade too). Bet you never thought that buying a camera would lead you to possibly spending more than that again on a new PC ;)
I will get there in the end. been playing catchup with technology all my life lol