Help required to resize image for forum

Edit My Images
Need some help, First I shoot in raw at 21 mega pixels, I use lightroom. All my images are saved to disc or printed out this I can manage, I use Flicker of recent and have started to upload images there. I export my images from lightroom as a jpg after post proccessing etc, they are then saved to my external hard drive, even when resizing in lightroom for Flickr it has been a hit or a miss, So need someone to talk me through the proccess of image resizing for this forum, they talk about max 800 but not sure.
Any help will be great, I hate not being up to speed.

Regards Steve
Download eazy thumbnail (free), it's great for a very quick batch resize (it doesn't only do thumbnails) I find it much quicker than PS or LR. Wayne
downloaded the program but still none the wiser, need someone to take the time to explain, what is going on and exactly how to do this step by step.
Kind regards steve
Are you looking to host the images on the TP server gallery...? Or do you have your own www space on which to host them...?

A simple export from LR using the settings shown in the screen capture below, then either upload to your own www space or add to your gallery here.

you need the resolution to be 72 not 300 for web use :)
Need some help, First I shoot in raw at 21 mega pixels, I use lightroom. All my images are saved to disc or printed out this I can manage, I use Flicker of recent and have started to upload images there. I export my images from lightroom as a jpg after post proccessing etc, they are then saved to my external hard drive, even when resizing in lightroom for Flickr it has been a hit or a miss, So need someone to talk me through the proccess of image resizing for this forum, they talk about max 800 but not sure.
Any help will be great, I hate not being up to speed.

Regards Steve

I can't do all that technical stuff, but when you right click on a pic you have on flickr to save location ready to paste it into a forum post check the url that you paste into the box.

If in the bit with s and 3 or 4 digits you find a number over 800 change it to one under. Most of mine are s720 or s640, if I ever copy a location from a larger pic I just change the url to one of those sizes.
you need the resolution to be 72 not 300 for web use :)
I guess you are correct but... Naaahhh, 300 is fine as it's more than the 72 the monitor will display anyway. The monitor will only display 72...:D and as many on here have said, there's apparently no difference between a 72dpi file and a 300dpi file.
I guess you are correct but... Naaahhh, 300 is fine as it's more than the 72 the monitor will display anyway. The monitor will only display 72...:D and as many on here have said, there's apparently no difference between a 72dpi file and a 300dpi file.

I would say the filesize would be much bigger due to the extra dots per inch its all down to bandwidth and in the days of dialup it made a great difference on page loadup times.try saving a picture at 300 and the do the same at 72 and look at the properties of the filesize:)
I would say the filesize would be much bigger due to the extra dots per inch its all down to bandwidth and in the days of dialup it made a great difference on page loadup times.try saving a picture at 300 and the do the same at 72 and look at the properties of the filesize:)
I'd tend to agree with you on this, but have given up as I am informed that the size is exactly the same.
need someone to take the time to explain, what is going on and exactly how to do this step by step.
Kind regards steve

1: In Lightroom, right click image that you want to convert to JPEG. Select >EXPORT

2: The export menu will pop up, an example of this menu can be seen in Musicman's post above. Tick the resize to fit box and select LONG EDGE from the drop down menu and enter 800px, then set the image resolution of 72 pixels per blah blah and then click EXPORT or OK.
(300 dpi is for printing purposes only, clicking 72 reduces the file size and allows faster loading speeds and consumes less space on your host.)

EDIT> Apologies John, your very correct and I am very wrong. The resolution makes no difference to the file output size.
Sorry mate!


3: Upload the image to Flickr and then visit the images own page, click ALL SIZES.

4: Grab the image url as seen at the bottom of this image.

5: Hit the new post button on the talk photography forum and press the small yellowish mountain icon to add the url of your image.

6: Paste the url into the drop down or pop up window hit OK.

7: The image url should look as so:

Hit the 'Preview Post' button if you would like to check all is present and correct before you you submit your post.

Job done :clap:
I'd tend to agree with you on this, but have given up as I am informed that the size is exactly the same.

If you do not resample then changing the ppi/dpi leaves the file size the same because the file is the same number of pixels.
dpi or ppi is only relevant to printing, it has no effect on the file size, unless you enable resampling.
ppi is simply pixels per inch. Divide the number of pixels wide by the printed images width and you get the ppi. 3000 pixels wide and a 10 inch wide print needs a ppi of 300.
ppi (sometimes called dpi by some software) is simply how many pixels per inch will be in the printed image.
If you do not resample changing the ppi will change the inches of the printed image. It will not change the file size as the number of pixels does not change.
If you do resample changing the ppi will change the number of pixels and this will cause the file size to decrease, or increase. The printed image size will not change as you have lost/created pixels to suit.
thanks for all your help I should be able to upload the correct size images, thamks a gain all.
Regards Steve