Help with editing an image

Edit My Images

Can anyone help (or suggest how to) retouch this image? I need to improve the overall vibrancy (saturation and contrast in particular) but a large area of the forehead (and an area off to the right) is blown and overexposed. I am coming back to PS after a couple of years' absence, hence very rusty, so any advice would be appreciated.

I am thinking of attempting to select the affected overblown areas using the magic wand, then invert the selection and feather it by around 50px, before increasing brightness and contrast on the inverted selection. Wondering if others would do this differently?
I'd set a new layer, select the skin colour, and paint over the blown area with a soft brush on the new layer. Reduce opacity untill it looks ok and erase/mask out the excess. Clone tool to finish if needed. May need to select the skin tones from more than one part for a more gradualted look.
I'd opt for the soft light option to fill in the highlights. Make a new layer, select Soft Light, as a blend option, set the strength to say 30% and paint over the area you need to adjust. This way you can increase ,or decrease the strength of the adjustment by changing the percentage. Also you have additinal controls with the opacity slider Be careful not to overdo it as it can make the image look over done.

Alternatively you could bring the image into ACR , if you have it, and use the Recovery slider or Highlight slider to bring some detail into the area you want

I agree with Dave as well the eyes are a bit OTT, maybe too much sharpening.
It doesn't really look properly blown to me. But you really need to start with the original and not sharpen the eyes like that.
Ok, cheers everyone for the suggestions. These are techniques I'll have to try out for myself. I agree the eyes look a bit too sharp, I only tried to add a touch of pop but seems I went OTT :)

Anyway, here's the original version without the sharpening.

Would someone be able to perform an edit to enhance the photo while softening the blown-out areas, please? In the meantime I'll see if I can make any of the suggestions work.