

Squeaky Clean
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How do I get eyes right on dogs using direct the way this new Tokina is the mutz nutz, no processing here at all

Nice shot.
Not sure if it would have worked better closer in or farther out, with dog's legs in shot.

Not sure if off camera flash would solve eyes prob. Be interested to hear replies.
Cheers Chuck, it was a quick shot of her before she shot off as she hates me pointing anything at her, this is a crop to get Eileens feet out but nothing else PP wise
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it was a quick shot of her before she shot off as she hates me pointing anything at her,

We have a king charles spaniel that does that, if I put the camera to my eye she looks away, if I put it down she looks back, cracks me up.

I'm sure you know it's doggy red eye, does your flash have a red eye setting where it sends out a pre flash to close the dogs iris down
uhhh stupid me........yes it does but didnt think it would work on dogs......silly or what
Its the 19-35f3.5 Darren

Eyes are nearly there ......... now need a reflector
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