
Edit My Images
I am a keen but distincly amateur photographer, done a few bits and peices..

Anyway was approached by a girl who knows of me if i would do some shots for her, "yes no problem" i say, "what have you got in mind?", she is after just general modelling shots, she then starts asking about lingerie, nude and not sure what the polite terms is, but "nude with sex toys".

She is 17

No photos have been taken as yet

could someone please clarify what is and isn't allowed under the law please?

thanks in advance

If your in Holland, your OK.
But that is for publishing them. So if you took some shots, and decided to put them on the net, then that wouldn't be good. So, even if you do them, give her copies, ands she puts them on the net, potentially you could get in trouble.
Law and decisions not easy, with this one.
just a quick reply unless a consenting adult was with you or this girl. Personally i would stay well clear but that IMO.
This would be my take:

Law for two consenting adults to have sexual relations: 16.

Law for publishing naked / adult images on internet, magazines etc: 18 (In the UK I believe, can anyone confirm 100%?)

Basically, if you're taking photos of her for her own private use, then you're ok, if they're for publishing, ever, then you could be in a very sticky (sorry, pun not intended) situation. IF (and that's a big IF) you did go ahead, I would definately write some form of contract saying that they're only for her personal use and are to NEVER EVER be published in public.

I'd steer clear personally (at least til she was 18 anyway) :)

JMO, not based on law or anything, just how I interpret it.

If you do take it on and it doesnt work out you could end up in


or even be called


I'd be very wary
If you don't the old bill will ;). Those sort of shots with a 17 year old are a nono. Walk away, in fact, run.
Wynd up?? nonsense:thumbsdown:

if a 17 y/o wanted something risque doing like that I would insists upon her guardian being there
if a 17 wants THAT sort of photo taking then wait until they're 18. look after yourself!
If she's not 18 don't have anything to do with her! You'd need her parents consent under 18, but I still wouldn't have anything to do with it.

Nude pics and sex toys isn't really budding David Bailey stuff either is it? ;) The internet is awash with these sort of pics which look like they were taken by a 5 year old who got hold of his dad's camera.
Me, you mean CT? Seriously though, nice, glamour shots are ok, the shots you have described go beyond the age range!
Somehow i can't see a parent or guardian giving their permission for this sort of picture to be taken ;)
Hmmmm, let me see :thinking: you could take a chance on it and then take the next plane to either Afghanistan, Iraq or even Zimbabwe and you should be pretty save for awhile :LOL::LOL:
when she turn 18?
One word: Porridge

I'd stick strictly to headshots or fully clothed shots - not to underwear though. Just not worth the hassle.