here goes :-)

first pic is cropped too tight you have taken all her lovely curls off top and back and it looks like she has a dolls finger or something sticking out of her mouth.

bottom pic the purple of the background is showing through her hair giving her hair a funny tint and again you have cut her hair off. and to much space above her head makes it look very un balanced to me.
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The first one is really nice, except for the very top of her head going missing and the strange thing in the background behind her mouth that makes her look like she's got a cigarette dangling out of her mouth.

The second is nice too, but I would try to do without so much space above her and I'm a bit bothered by the pink thing and shadowing in the background.

Still, good shots you can build on - and a genuinely gorgeous kid.
thank you both for the feedback it's really appreciated! These are the first pictures I've ever edited so I need to brush up on that lol I never even noticed the 1st pic haha it's part of her top, completely silly question but can you edit that out? I have both coral and photoshop elements, in your opinion which is best? thanks again :)
As the others have said. Additionally in no.2 eye contact would have made it a better image. The highlights on the forehead have been overexposed a bit.
thank you PsiFox, I really need to sit and play about with photoshop, there's SO much more I need to find out about this (and my camera), gotta start somewhere though I guess and thanks for the feedback it helps alot hearing it from people who actually know what they're talking about :)