Here's another test


Nutcrack Rapids
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You need to time this yourself

Can you find the man within 3 seconds?

According to medical experiments:

If you can find the Man's Head within 3 seconds, your right brain is more developed than normal people.

If you can find the Man's Head within 1 minute, your right brain is developed normally.

If you can find the Man's Head within 1-3 mintues, your right brain is slow in reacting, you should eat more meat protein.

If you can find the Man's Head in 3 minutes or more, your right brain is a disaster... extremely slow in reacting, the only suggestion is please watch cartoons to help normally develop your right brain.

I found it almost instantly so I'm not sure how effective a test this is.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH dear!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't see a mans head at all!! I guess that confirms what you have all been thinking!! :D :D :D :LOL: :LOL:
11 seconds here :(

don't believe its possible to spot straight away, even when i know where it is its hard to actually see it
11 seconds here :(

don't believe its possible to spot straight away, even when i know where it is its hard to actually see it

I'm brilliant at the Magic Eye pictures but can't see this!
I'm normal > 3 seconds but < 1 minute. Thank god I watch a lot of cartoons! :p
Well I saw it straightaway...and I saw the dog straight away too...does that mean I'm cleverer than yous lot.

...or have I just drunk more coffee than everyone this morning. ;)

I don't see any doggy :thinking: :shrug:
I'm normal took about 10 seconds. But I was looking for the beans to be in a shape not an actual head stuck within the beans which may be janice's problem!
What does it look like then???
Oh ffs!!!!!! Ive just seen it! No, that wasnt what I was looking for at all!

I was thinking that some of the darker beans would be eyes or something like that..... doh!! :wacky:
Oh ffs!!!!!! Ive just seen it! No, that wasnt what I was looking for at all!

I was thinking that some of the darker beans would be eyes or something like that..... doh!! :wacky:

ROFL. :LOL: No need to get so excited. :LOL:
The dog's not in this one...its in the other thread isnt it??
lol yeah! I saw the dog first, saw the bloke shorly afterwards, keep looking Janice
I can see John's toe.........well not JOHN'S toe, but the toe John can see! :D :LOL:

That is amazing.... when I look at the dog ringed I can see it...but when I go back to the original I still cant see it!!
ahhh LOL good job i didnt look too long then :bonk:
YOu had me too! Good one Jimmy. I'll get you back on Saturday that is for sure!