Heron and catch

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Saw this chap this morning, leaning forward at the edge of the lake.
Looks like he's after something, I thought. As I raised my camera, bam!
He got one :)


Then he started to parade around his bit of the lake, with the fish, looking mighty pleased with himself



Then took off with the fish, to the other side, to eat it in peace.



Hope you enjoy, as much as I enjoyed watching him. :)
Well caught, in more ways than 1(y)(y)
[S3]Something fishy about this image [/S3]

.....I'm sorry....:bonk:

PS. I love the last one, something about the expressions :cautious:!!
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Thanks for the comments :)
:clap:wow great captures, bet you are well chuffed with them.
You`ve done well to capture such a shy bird.Looks like he`s taken a mirror carp of around 2lbs.Good set. When i lift the camera to my eye they always sense it and fly away.
You`ve done well to capture such a shy bird.Looks like he`s taken a mirror carp of around 2lbs.Good set. When i lift the camera to my eye they always sense it and fly away.

Thanks for the fish ID. (y) Wondered what it was. ;)
Thanks very much for all the comments :)
Still using Photoscape I see? How long have you had the 100-400? I'm just waiting for my 175-500 to arrive!

Just thought I'd stop by to see what you're up to these days mate, see if you're still on here or not, and I can see that you are!
Great pics. Big fish!:eek:

I really love #4 with the motion-blurred background and wings :)
Thanks for all the comments :)

Still using Photoscape I see? How long have you had the 100-400? I'm just waiting for my 175-500 to arrive!

Just thought I'd stop by to see what you're up to these days mate, see if you're still on here or not, and I can see that you are!
Hiya Lizard :wave:
Got the lens in April, treated myself for my birthday :D
Use Elements 6, and Photoscape for borders, logo, and web sharpening. Seems to overide Elements in the final exif data. :thinking:
I first and last one are my favourites - what a good catch (pardone the pun) :)
I seem to have missed this first time
Cracking set Keith (y)
Excellent sequence of shots, it's hard enough getting one capture let alone the picture board you've managed :) well done (y)