Heron, Coot and Little Grebe (With new Nikon 600 F4 FL)

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These are some of my first shots with a new Nikon 600 F4 FL (Nikon 600mm f4E FL ED VR AF-S) taken with a D810 and some also with a TC-14 III attached

( I did post a couple in the thread about buying a new 600 lens, but for anyone who doesn't lurk there here they are! For those who have already seen them how lucky are you to see them twice?)

600mm on its own!

Bernard The Heron... 600mm by Mick Erwin, on Flickr

Bernard The Heron... 600mm by Mick Erwin, on Flickr

A coot making it's way rather precariously across the ice by Mick Erwin, on Flickr

600mm + 1.4TC

Little Grebe 600mm FL + 1.4TC III by Mick Erwin, on Flickr

Little Grebe 600mm FL + 1.4TC III by Mick Erwin, on Flickr

Bernard The Heron... 600mm + 1.4TC III by Mick Erwin, on Flickr

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Quality Glass and Quality Shots, Mick....an excellent set showing some great sharpness, but the 1st Little Grebe shot is my fav, love the water texture in that one.
Can't blame the toys now Mick - they certainly work!

Really nice detailed shots, particularly the heron portraits, and of course the Little Grebe. Out of interest, what sort of crop was the Grebe? Just wondering how much detail was resolved.

Quality Glass and Quality Shots, Mick....an excellent set showing some great sharpness, but the 1st Little Grebe shot is my fav, love the water texture in that one.

Thank's Andy!

Can't blame the toys now Mick - they certainly work!

Really nice detailed shots, particularly the heron portraits, and of course the Little Grebe. Out of interest, what sort of crop was the Grebe? Just wondering how much detail was resolved.


Cheers Mike!

I think the original D810 files are 7360 × 4912 pixels? The first grebe shot is 4275 x 2853 pixels and the second one 4168 x 2562 pixels to give you an idea of the crop involved?

They certainly the best Little grebe shots I have managed thus far, the 600 works a lot better than my 500 did with the TC on? Like any lens it will take a bit of getting used to, but for my first day am very happy with the results :)

Here one more Grebe this one is 3651 x 2437 pixels

Little Grebe 600mm FL + 1.4TC III by
Mick Erwin, on Flickr

And a bonus Mallard shot without the TC on!

Mallard flyby by Mick Erwin, on Flickr
Ooooooooooh! 600mm :MrGreen:

A cracking set and I agree with the comments above the Little Grebe is the pick of the bunch :)
Ooooooooooh! 600mm :MrGreen:

A cracking set and I agree with the comments above the Little Grebe is the pick of the bunch :)

Thank you they such awkward little devils to photograph :)

Fantastic set Mick, looking forward to your lovely images with this new lens (especially the Jay pics)

Did you sell your 500mm or have you kept it?

Cheers :)

Yes I can't wait to get some nice jays but they are being very elusive of late? Possibly enough acorns that they don't need any food yet? And the waxwings are avoiding me like the plague! Every where I go they have just gone or the light is so dismal it not worth lifting the lens?

Yes I sold my 500 to fund this lens and am now eating Aldi own brands for the conceivable future lol !
Nice set Mick, 1st Little Grebe for me too ... you took some great images with the 500, how do you think the new lens compares?
nice shots but I like the ice skating coot best


Thank's Stan!

Nice set Mick, 1st Little Grebe for me too ... you took some great images with the 500, how do you think the new lens compares?

Thank you :)

It early days yet and I think the 500 F4 had maybe one of the steepest leaning curves of any lens I have had before, and it was a while before I got shots I was happy with, I don't know if you would agree?

I hated it at first and though god what I have I spent all that money on when the 300 F2.8 was so sharp even with the 1.4TC and not half bad with the 1.7TC, but once I got used to it I was glad I bought it and have had some great shots with it. This I think has made the transition to the 600 a lot easier than getting one from a much smaller lens first.

I not sure the IQ will be much better, it seems it but that may be mind over matter to convince myself it money well spent haha! l will hopefully know more when I have used it in different situations lighting etc. The 20% more reach will obviously help with hopefully less cropping so in theory more pixels on the subject which can only help

One thing I am sure of is the TC works a whole lot better I don't know if it was just my combo or in general though?

I had to work really hard to get anything useable with my 500 and 1.4TC, maybe a 10- 20% keeper rate at best, and always needed a good dose of sharpening. Certainly more than I like to use usually?

I had a lot of soft shots with it no matter how I played with the aperture and shutter settings and micro adjust etc etc , I could shoot a near stationary say grebe with not fantastic results? But then odd ones would come out ok but not as many that I would use the TC unless I really had to as more often than not the results were poor, and you don't always get another chance at the same shots

I will hopefully get out this weekend if the weather plays ball and do a bit more testing on some different subjects
Thank you :)

It early days yet and I think the 500 F4 had maybe one of the steepest leaning curves of any lens I have had before, and it was a while before I got shots I was happy with, I don't know if you would agree?

I hated it at first and though god what I have I spent all that money on when the 300 F2.8 was so sharp even with the 1.4TC and not half bad with the 1.7TC, but once I got used to it I was glad I bought it and have had some great shots with it. This I think has made the transition to the 600 a lot easier than getting one from a much smaller lens first.

I not sure the IQ will be much better, it seems it but that may be mind over matter to convince myself it money well spent haha! l will hopefully know more when I have used it in different situations lighting etc. The 20% more reach will obviously help with hopefully less cropping so in theory more pixels on the subject which can only help

One thing I am sure of is the TC works a whole lot better I don't know if it was just my combo or in general though?

I had to work really hard to get anything useable with my 500 and 1.4TC, maybe a 10- 20% keeper rate at best, and always needed a good dose of sharpening. Certainly more than I like to use usually?

I had a lot of soft shots with it no matter how I played with the aperture and shutter settings and micro adjust etc etc , I could shoot a near stationary say grebe with not fantastic results? But then odd ones would come out ok but not as many that I would use the TC unless I really had to as more often than not the results were poor, and you don't always get another chance at the same shots

I will hopefully get out this weekend if the weather plays ball and do a bit more testing on some different subjects

I would agree with you on the learning curve with these exotics, I almost sent mine back after I first got it and I still find myself trying different things in use :)
I do use the 1.4 and 1.7 with it and I'm happy with what it does when the light is available ... I would jump at a 600mm if it wasn't for the weight, I'm getting to old for yomping now. :D

I'm sure it's going to work well for you and I shall look forward to seeing your posts :)
I would agree with you on the learning curve with these exotics, I almost sent mine back after I first got it and I still find myself trying different things in use :)
I do use the 1.4 and 1.7 with it and I'm happy with what it does when the light is available ... I would jump at a 600mm if it wasn't for the weight, I'm getting to old for yomping now. :D

I'm sure it's going to work well for you and I shall look forward to seeing your posts :)

That one thing about the weight, I know it still heavy but it amazing they got it down to the same as the 500?

I still will need a smaller 300 PF or similar for the rare occasions I do got to a hide, and it something I never considered till you mentioned it in my other thread? I managed with the 500 just with enough room to manoeuvre it so the 600 deffo a no go!

Just need some dam sunshine now or snow or both :)
That one thing about the weight, I know it still heavy but it amazing they got it down to the same as the 500?

I am married ... the new 600 would be a definite no-no! :D
Expert use of good gear. Very well done Mick:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: The little Grebe made her indoors go all soppy:rolleyes:
Excellent set Mick and great you're getting the results straight off. Love the first LG photo.
As Roger said you had some great shots with the 500 especially the mating grebes so cannot wait to see you attempt them and more ;)

is it much lighter and smaller than the "old" 600mm f4?
I've not handled one so guess Mick will be better placed for real world use but specs show it very similar in length and diameter but it's 3.8kg where the old one is 5.1kg I think so 25% lighter
Expert use of good gear. Very well done Mick:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: The little Grebe made her indoors go all soppy:rolleyes:
Excellent set Mick and great you're getting the results straight off. Love the first LG photo.
As Roger said you had some great shots with the 500 especially the mating grebes so cannot wait to see you attempt them and more ;)

Thank you all very kind :)


is it much lighter and smaller than the "old" 600mm f4?

It physically about the same size but thankfully the new one does have a one piece hood and that is the biggest thing you notice with them side to side (god that 2 piece hood is ugly and awkward?)

Also the new one is more balanced towards the middle, which is easier when carrying it and be better balanced on a tripod I would say? But I hand hold all the time or rest on my knees if on the floor so not something I will be testing

The only thing I have noticed from my walkabout with it is that compared to my 500 it obviously wider at the business end and the hood is considerably bigger!

But in use I was able to handhold it just as I did with my 500, it not something you can keep pointing in the air for a age but enough to get the shots you need which is all I need as I hate the constrictions of carrying a tripod/monopod with me.

Where are the handheld slow shutter speed images to really impress us?

I will do some on my next outing for you :)

Slowest as yet are this of the moon handheld but leant on a fence so not really counted lol

January 4th Moon @ 850mm by Mick Erwin, on Flickr

This one with the 1.4TC so @ 850mm at 1/800 is the slowest truly handheld I have done thus far

Bernard The Heron by Mick Erwin, on Flickr
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It's not the lens, Mick produces stunning shots anyway
The lens will help but you are right about Mick's skills ... reading that he always hand-holds, I really wonder what he would produce with good support!
Wow, stunning shots Mick... good read as well :)

Cheers Stef, I will let you have a go when I see you next haha!

It's not the lens, Mick produces stunning shots anyway

Your being too kind, are you after a sub lol :D

The lens will help but you are right about Mick's skills ... reading that he always hand-holds, I really wonder what he would produce with good support!

And you Gramps haha! Both of you have £20 on the way in an plain envelope as promised haha! :)

On the tripod front I just find it limits you to much unless you are static after a certain subject? if something appears somewhere else or the subject moves trees etc? It quite comical watching people with tripods trying to get there quickly?

The last time I remember was chasing a rare visitor at a local lake I think a grebe of some sort? I was there and on the floor getting the shots and the tripod crew were still on there way and trying to get set up

Also I am a bit clumsy as well and to be sure you have everything set up for a grab shot of something unusual as this when people make mistakes and tipple time happens?

I do however think for this year if the grebes return and nest it would be useful for when they are far out, then again I do like to get low as possible so would end up on the floor anyhow I bet?

I may invest in one at some stage and do have a setup in mind that is not over the top expensive £££
Manfrotto MT057C3 057Manfrotto MT057C3 057
Where are the handheld slow shutter speed images to really impress us?

I went after the waxwing yet agan today and stood in the bitter gale like winds for 2 hours for one poor shot, they were spooked by something and as soon as they landed they were gone again!

Anyhow because I was so bored I tried shooting a digger arm across a 4 carriage road handheld in the wind!

Here crap waxwing shot to start! Massive crop :-(

DSC_0839 by Mick Erwin, on Flickr

On to slow shutter this was at 1/160 I was aiming at the top right corner circle of the 4 on the arm, but it was that windy when I actually took the shot it was somewhere in that region haha!

Here roughly how far the digger arm was shot with my phone and zoomed in till it was roughly what I was seeing distance wise!


Here is the full frame shot (downsized quality obviously) @ 600mm, no sharpness or adjustments made except shadows to lift it as it was a bit backlit!


And here the crop !

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I thought that lens had a heater and Aircon, Mick

I still cold Bill haha! But at least the lens was warm with it's neoprene coat on haha!

It was a nightmare they were in an adjacent tree and just swooped down a couple of times for literally seconds and gone again!