Hi all

Edit My Images
Hi all,

Just stumbled across this site so bare with me.

Names Pete, 20 something serviceman with the RAF. Been serving 4 years now. One deployment of Afghan under my belt, hoping for another one soon. Also worked security at the London Olympics.

I make no secret that I suffer from depression and PTSD as a result of my last tour in Afghan. Currently undergoing treatment and I've found photography has been a good release for me and a great way to relax. Plus I get a sense of achievement when I finally get that one great shot

Hope to get to know some of you along the way, unless you p*ss me off im a nice guy, I just don't suffer fools.
Hi Dave,

Thanks for the message. If I get back to Afghan I'll be taking my camera with me (with insurance, they seem to have a habit of shooting the expensive stuff).

I've included a link to my work in my signature block. I'd love to know what you think. I've had a quick look at your work and you've got some great stuff there.
Hi Pete,

Welcome to the site and thanks for doing a great job out there. I am an ex matlot. I did 6 months out there after leaving the mob. Yeah as a civvy W..ker. I shoot sport and do a few weddings in the mix. Get some of your images in the Critique section, most critique is sharp and direct, but thats the way I prefer it. There are some amazing photographers here on TP and if you post your images and get some feedback from them, your images will deffo improve.
Good luck with the PTSD pal, your half way there by realising the issue.