Hi from Hampshire

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My name is Vicky, I am 24 from Basingstoke.

Looking to get back into photography again! :D

I just love taking photos!! And am I am desperate to get a DSLR again. :clap:
Hi Vicky :wave:

You've come to the right place!!

This is simply the best forum in the world to learn from, and we are all here, waiting to help :D

Don't rush out and buy any DSLR, ask lot's of questions, think about what you need/what you want to shoot and we can guide you (y)
Morning Vicky,

Welcome to the mad house...

Theres a few of us on here from Basingstoke so a few local togs. PM's always welcome if your out and about togging...
Great place here, lots of advice and help will be given if asked for. There also lots of members here from Hampshire and surrounding areas and we do get together for meets (Not Made many big meets myself yet due to work) so join in and keep alook out in the meets area for when we get together and pop along.

Get a Nikon (y):naughty: not a Canon :nono: LOL

I have missed the long going Canon/Nikon debate hehe ;)

I am thinking of getting a Sony?
SONY :eek:

No no no, not Sony!

Only joking :D
Owt wrong with Sony at all.
They make some damn fine gear.

Only slight downside is there's not quite as much choice in lenses as Nikon and Canon.
Although Sony, Sigma and Tamron are producing more as time goes on.
And you do have the option of using the old Minolta lenses, some of which are fabbo!

But with Nikon and Canon there are MANY more lenses to choose from. (Especially Canon :p )
hi there
me & the mrs are just up the M3 in Farnborough so chances are you might bump into us at a local meet ( not that we've been to one yet but we will :D)
like everybody has said, think long & hard before you buy & you should be very happy with whatever you end up with (y)
Hi Vicky and welcome. Like Ryan (TheNissanMan) says there are quite a few of us from Basingstoke around, so if ever you want get out togging, feel free to PM.
Cool, thanks for the welcome

Still haven't found me a camera yet, still looking, just can't decide!
Hello Vicky, if you're free on Wednesday 7th July a few of us are going to the Hawk Conservancy, you'd be welcome to try out my canon gear if you like.
Hello Vicky, if you're free on Wednesday 7th July a few of us are going to the Hawk Conservancy, you'd be welcome to try out my canon gear if you like.

I'm giving Hashcake a lift from Basingstoke (I think lol) so plenty of romo in the car for another if needed...