Hi I'm new!

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Hi all, I am new here and would like to ask a question please? I have a canon eos 1100d on av setting.:LOL:

What setting I'd best for portraits? I've been using 5.6 but this is more for blurred background isn't it? I try to keep my iso low but shutter speed of 1/60 or more is that right??

Thanks Cheryl
Hi Cheryl.

Welcome to TP :wave:

It really is down to the result you are looking for and the light you have to work with.

If I’m using flash (usually off camera) i start somewhere around f11. This means the subject is in focus front to back. I would then set the shutter to 1/250 as this is my cameras flash sync speed.

Having said that, personally i far prefer natural light and a very shallow DoF so I tend to use a fast lens with a wide max. aperture and shoot somewhere between f1.4 - f2.8. Shutter speed varies depending on the ambient light available - provided it is fast enough to eliminate camera shake (hand held) all is well. If it is too slow you would need to bump the ISO up a little to compensate.

As a rough guide it is generally recommended that if hand held you need your shutter to be equivalent to your focal length. I think the canon crop factor is x1.6 so..........as an example; if your lens is at 55mm the actual focal length *refers to calculator :thinking:* is 88mm so your shutter speed should be around 1/80 - 1/100 or above to eliminate camera shake. This varies hugely person to person though.

Hope that help provide a basic insight :)
Hi there, thanks for your reply!
I prefer natural light too and rarely use mg flash, I tend to use reflectors. I am new to all this as only got my camera in jan this year. I am on a course again soon to learn more x
