Hi, newbie here!

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Hi all, I brought a Nikon DSLR for a road trip to Austria I did a few months back. I got some decent shots for memory's but nothing amazing! anyway, recently I've picked the camera back up and have been reading, playing with the settings. I went to try some long exposure shots today at a local waterfall. I'm keen to learn and I'm only just starting. I did run out of battery earlier though so definitely need to invest in some more! I will get round to posting the shots at some point & any feedback positive or negative will be good as that's he only way to improve!
Hi Tom, And welcome aboard TP. "Enjoy".
Hello and a very warm :welcome: to you.

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Thanks, I'll have a look around! Been looking for a while but just decided to sign up today, hopefully I can get plenty of inspiration and advice from the forum!
Hi Tom and a warm welcome to TP.
Hope you enjoy yourself here :)
Hi there Tom, enjoy the forum :welcome:
Thanks for the warm welcome, already got a lot of ideas, and learnt some things since I've been looking!
Welcome Tom! Where abouts are you in the world?
I live in Derbyshire, some fantastic countryside scenery for plenty of practise while I get used to the settings!