High heels and hot pants ...


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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Now I have your attention :D

Moneysupermarket’s ad featuring a man strutting and twerking in high heels and denim hot pants was the most complained-about TV ad in the UK last year....
The Advertising Standards Authority received 1,513 complaints from outraged members of the public who felt the ad was offensive, although the ad watchdog cleared it of any breach of the UK ad code.

Seriously? have we ( well 1,513 of us anyway) lost our sense of humour?
Or perhaps 1,513 people had nothing better to do last year?

Got me. :LOL:

I thought about complaining but 1,513 has a nice ring to it.
Hate that ad and the over weight builder doing belly flops, but complain about it WTF !!!
I rarely take much interest in adverts at all
The Question is Cobra

Are you a Strutter or a Builder? ;)
Have you seen the size of my snake ...
Ooops never mind :D

If you do ever feel the need to don high heels and dance in the street let me know, I'll take the video/photos (y):D
I find the builders one more offensive.

Actually, the mere thought of Chris in high heels and hot pants has made me do a little bit of sick in my mouth. Where do I send my complaints about forum content so I get a refund of my forum subscription?

Final thought - suspenders panties and a bra!!!
At my age? its gotta be the builder as I never did get the hang of high heels :(

Ok same offer applies if you decide to do pole dancing and belly flops :D:p
Yep, same advertising campaign currently features both.
So, it seems the dance off ad between the builder's and the other guys was 2016's most complained about ad.
The original ad (same chap in denim hot pants) was well before.

People need to get out more. :D
There speaks a man of experience :p


Many years ago I went with my 1st wife to a `vicars & tarts` party. :angelic: 30-40 folk there ......... but only 1 fella dressed in basque, garter, fishnets etc. :mad:
I hate it, in the same way I hate Go Compares ad... but they have done their job and stand out!

Too many people with too much time on their hands... while the cynic in me would not be surprised if a number of complaints emirate from employees of said company... more publicity!!!

Many years ago I went with my 1st wife to a `vicars & tarts` party. :angelic: 30-40 folk there ......... but only 1 fella dressed in basque, garter, fishnets etc. :mad:

A chap I know had an outfit that was an RC priest from the front and basque + fishnets from behind.
Probably based on him.
Let's ignore for a moment the fact that people complained about the advert. Too much time on their hands, need to get out more, etc.

Here's my question though. Is that advert really working well for Money Supermarket? I mean, how many people see that advert and think "yes, that's the kind of company I want to do business with"?
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I mean, how many people see that advert and think "yes, that's the kind of company I want to do business with"?
I would have thought (and I have no experience of advertising except of course on the receiving end) that it all about getting the name into people's heads, one way or another.

Look at it this way, when you mention "pest control" what is the first name that drops into your head?
When asked what do I do for a living, and I say pest control, 90% of people say ah you work for xxxxoxxx
And yet they are the most expensive and the company with the least respect within the industry.
I would have thought (and I have no experience of advertising except of course on the receiving end) that it all about getting the name into people's heads, one way or another.

Look at it this way, when you mention "pest control" what is the first name that drops into your head?
When asked what do I do for a living, and I say pest control, 90% of people say ah you work for xxxxoxxx
And yet they are the most expensive and the company with the least respect within the industry.
I've seen the ad loads of times, find it a bit "gross" and do remember it, but don't remember the company that it represents.
but don't remember the company that it represents.
Advertising a given product per se doesn't work on everybody though does it?
I think the problem is TBH that the name of the company doesn't exactly trip off the tongue,

But of course there will be millions out there that do remember it was for ... err Compare the market? nope not that one that one has a cute ( simple) animal in it :D
Or the manic opera singer that wants you to go compare stuff.

find it a bit "gross"
I think its funny in a stupid way, and I certainly wouldn't waste my time complaining about it, that's for sure.
Look at it this way, when you mention "pest control" what is the first name that drops into your head?

ExeTerminators. But that's because I've been pulled out on 4 times in the last 2 weeks by their vans! While I'm sure some people view me as vermin, AFAIK, I'm not legally classified as such. I'm generally a local business user but on principle, I won't use this company if I ever need that sort of service.