High Speed - Breaking Glass

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I have been playing about with a Raspberry Pi and using it to trigger water drops and now want to move onto a more destructive project! I have the sound trigger configured to fire the flash and the ability to put a delay in so the challenge I have is how to light the glass as it breaks.

I have run a quick search but didn't get anything so just after some pointers really as I havent really shot glass type objects in the past... I was thinking using a flash behind the 'glass' and shoot through a diffuser of some sorts?

If I get the lighting nailed for the object 'static' will that same setup work when its being smashed up?

In terms of kit I have a 580EX2 and a Cheapo Flash... would prefer to try and light it with a single strobe... I also have some studio lights but dont think they will freeze the action like a flash?

I would think backlit is the way to go. This one is lit by a single flash off to one side of the glass and bounced off a sheet of white card to create a larger light source (it was shot in the kitchen sink)

This glass is only a couple of inches high, but you get the idea



And I STILL don't know how to insert the photos that I upload to TP !!! lol