Highland Games from Granton on Spey

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Granton on Spey is a super little town, very picturesque indeed. I had a fab day with my family at the Highland Games that were held in a field there last Sunday. It was so refreshing to see no yellow jacketed health and safety types wandering around - these Highlanders have got it sussed I have to say. Just a load of big blokes hurling large lumps of iron and wood about.

I managed to blag "infield" access so got in close as much as possible. Most of these are with a 1d mark III and a Sigma 100-300 F4.

#1 Hammer throwing

#2 Hammer throwing with a bigger bloke (who won)

#3 Distance measuring - these gents stood perfectly still as the hurled implements landed inches from them.

#4 Gaaagghhhh!

#5 Heeeeuuuurrrgghhh!!

#6 Caber tossing. F-heavy - basically a telegraph pole.

#7 Finish line for the runners

#8 Men in kilts

#9 Shot putt shot with 17-40 pre-focused and held on the ground. Looks a bit like ballet I reckon.

Great entertainment, lots of energy and a fun change from polo.

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No.9 is terrific. Good mono conversion and the image shouts strength. effort and movement.

Excellent set! Love the facial expressions of all the guys that you would want on your side in a fight :clap: I really like #7 for the dof and #9 for the conversion and yes,it does look a bit like ballet.
All good shots but the last one is outstanding!
It was so refreshing to see no yellow jacketed health and safety types wandering around - these Highlanders have got it sussed I have to say.

We were there, we've just got sneakier.:D

Great set. You've caught the action really well (and actually I agree its much better without H & S intruding). (y)

I missed these 1st time around. Love them. Especially no.9 as they all say.

I think you may have over done the blacks a touch - have another look at no.1.

But I'm being picky - great stuff.
I agree with all the other comments -- but you can never have too much praise! - these are superb images but the last one is something else altogether. It's an absolute belter - there's so much in it and it all bloody works!
agree with everyone else, it's a good set but the last one is just brilliant
have to be a sheep here and say the last one is the pick of the lot.
but they all look great.
No.5 looks like as if its Jason White, not sure though but I did hear that he did some of these events.