Highlight of your career so far?


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I was just wandering what you consider the highlight of your career so far?

Mine has to be shooting my first PNE game, and possibly even the promotional work i've done for them.

So...What's yours? :D
Too many highs... I love this sports tog lark so much...

But my biggest is to come.. when/if I get this dataco licence :)
Getting help and advice from the guys on here. Thank You all. (y)
Photographing England v Montenegro at Wembley other week
And my first national paper print was quite overwhelming
Has to be my first usage in the nationals, Blackpool Vs WBA last season got 4 usages from the one game :D still be far the best i have done and what a adrenaline rush it was :nuts:
Being asked to provide a huge framed print of one of my shots to an eminent retiring professor and Chair of an Examining Board of a international global educational organisation... and being personally thanked by her.

That, or being called up directly by someone from the cast of Torchwood and being asked to do their portfolio... which I did :)
Being asked to provide a huge framed print of one of my shots to an eminent retiring professor and Chair of an Examining Board of a international global educational organisation... and being personally thanked by her.

That, or being called up directly by someone from the cast of Torchwood and being asked to do their portfolio... which I did :)

Wheres the sporting link :LOL:
In my amateurish and short sports photography "career" so far, my first publication in a national paper was a definite high - a Chelsea v Villa game in the Sunday Times earlier this year. The whole road probably heard me screeching with excitement.

Covering my first England game at Twickenham was a cracker too.

My next target is for other photographers to avoid sitting next to me :D. Some time before I get to that level I think...
Think my career highlight would be winning the auction for my 300 2.8IS :D.

This is closely followed by all the great comments I've had on my footy photography over the past few months (y)

Especially the time I posted a set and didn't even get the wonky horizon police on my back :clap:

WHP were a victim of the budget cutbacks :LOL:
Mine was getting Back Page of the Sunday Mirror back in the 35mm days when you had one chance to nail a shot! :razz: :LOL:.
In these Digi days seeing your pics in print is always a blast!. Kind regards Graham.
My highlight so far is without a doubt the week I spent shooting the European Aquatics championships in Budapest..... Never worked so hard in my life, but being so immersed in a sport, and photography, for 7 full days in a row was brilliant.... makes a cpl hours at a Rugby/football game seem dull! (relatively of course!)

In my amateurish and short sports photography "career"

"Amateurish"!!!!! This from someone who from what i can gather shoots every England Game at Twickenham and their training camps.... pretty high level if you ask me! :clap:
Sporting highlight:

Wining the Lofer (Austria) International Wild Water Race in both the individual and team event as a member of the Great Britain Team

Sporting photo highlight:

Well the most memorable one is that first paid and published shot.
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Mine has to be getting a half page in the Sunday Times from the league one playoff finals at Wembley last season. There must have been at least 60 other togs there, so to have my image used in such a paper when a definite high!
Sporting wise, ringing the editor of my local paper and shouting 'hold the front page', and he did! I always thought that only ever happened in the movies!

Theatre wise, just about to start photographing a production of the musical Blondel, when Sir Tim Rice walked in and sat behind me to watch. He thanked me for my 'snapping' at the after show party.
Well in my short career so far it seems to be changing every few weeks!!!

3 Weeks ago it was my first game pitch side.... today its my first published picture in the rugby times!

Hopefully will be many more highlights to come!!!
Well in my short career so far it seems to be changing every few weeks!!!

3 Weeks ago it was my first game pitch side.... today its my first published picture in the rugby times!

Well done Neil, great feeling getting your first usage isn't it :D

Hopefully will be many more highlights to come!!!