
I want a holga camera, does anyone have any advice or shall i just get a cheap one from ebay?


At the price they normally retail at you probably won't get one much cheaper on e-bay.

My husband has one and it's great in it's own idiosyncratic way. The film spool is held in place with a piece of cardboard and we never know what the pictures will turn out like :woot:

Have fun with it!!
I have a holga, holga 35mm and diana, and I say buy one, theyre great

but also remember that you can get the same results on even cheaper less publicized (buy lomo at least) cameras like these really cool ones: here

and here

also here

but yeah, the holga is cool :)

my only problem with it is lack of labs that develop and print 120 film round my area :(
Yeah, theyre all different ISOs and shizz, as long as it says 120 and its a longish box (as opposed the the shorter thicker 35mm boxes)

They sell them at some boots too.
cool! a slight warning though, once you have a holga, you will find you can go anywhere without taking it with you too

Seen as though we are talking about film, what do people do to get it procesed? Do you get it processed only and scan yourself? processed and printed? get them scanned for you? etc.
Can anyone recommend a lab to get 120 processed, that will do it via the post and are good value for money :)
Im a bit of a dummy to this, can you just get it processed and scan it yourself, I mean, like on a computer scanner - would that work?

sorry I'm just trying to pinch pennies as Im a tight student and £11 for dev + print is a bit steep for me
(thats how much it is in the ONE place that does 120 round my area)

EDIT: I am stupid, this wouldnt work unless it was a transparency (unless I got a fancy neg scanner) Would it??????
I get my films developed then look at the transparencies and if there are any worth getting scanned I drop them off at the lab at the same time as my next film gets developed.
Im a bit of a dummy to this, can you just get it processed and scan it yourself, I mean, like on a computer scanner - would that work?

sorry I'm just trying to pinch pennies as Im a tight student and £11 for dev + print is a bit steep for me
(thats how much it is in the ONE place that does 120 round my area)

EDIT: I am stupid, this wouldnt work unless it was a transparency (unless I got a fancy neg scanner) Would it??????

Develop yourself, works out way cheaper and you have more control and its part of what photography's about.
Yeah you'd need a proper scanner. What about at a local college or something? Ask a tech. if you can use the equipment and slip him a bit of money;) I got to use the darkroom at our local one most of the summer when students are on holiday.