Hollywood Style...

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Right then, I have (and have had for a while) the urge to take some B&W shots to simulate the Hollywood era (you know, the Lauren Becall, Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn look).

Now, I want to do this outside of a studio, and I have the idea of using a local coffee shop. I'm quite sure I can get the owner to agree as he's lover of that look anyway (he has this style of photo's on the wall). However, I need some advice on:

a) The best way to light it
b) How to get the "look"

I have a couple of flash units, the 430 EXII will allow me to fire off camera, and a 3rd party unit that I can fire via a photo cell. I have a studio flash set up, so I could utilise the stands and brollies if required.

Any suggestions will be gratefully accepted.

Thanks for that, just looked that up and it sounds "fairly" straight forward.

It's worth doing a google search on George Hurrell for inspiration. He was the top guy during the golden age of Hollywood.