Holy Isle

Like this one, the light, shadows and sky make it.

A lot like pano's, maybe printed very big they offer something, but I find the letterbox shape of images like this doesn't work so well on web sized settings.

Me myself, I think you could get away with a bit more water, and a bit more sky, whilst it's not cramped, there's a good sky there we could see more of, and more water might really add some sense of isolation to the island.


Like this one, the light, shadows and sky make it.

A lot like pano's, maybe printed very big they offer something, but I find the letterbox shape of images like this doesn't work so well on web sized settings.

Me myself, I think you could get away with a bit more water, and a bit more sky, whilst it's not cramped, there's a good sky there we could see more of, and more water might really add some sense of isolation to the island.

Yep, I agree about the letterbox and have been increasingly conscious of it. This is why I chose to focus in on just the island this time, so unfortunately no extra sky or water to play with.

Alas, it came out rather too wide. I'll need to be extra aware of this back on the main rig as I've got a super wide monitor.

Incidentally, one of my favourite photos this week has been my ship one and ironically there's tons of space lol

Hopefully I'll eventually find my sweet spot between detail and composition and the critique is very helpful.
I completely forgot that it is actually possible to have a little more top and bottom.....if you know what I mean! lol

I think it does look much better with the extra space, good shout.

Holy Isle v2.jpg
nice image, I actually thought your title was spelt wrong and I was assuming you meant Holy Island until I saw the image.