Home studio with low ceilings... is it a bad idea?

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I have just aquired a nice new three head setup and am in the process of making a nice white backdrop...

However, the room I was planning on setting up the "studio" in has very low ceilings.... Only 7 feet...

I was planning to use it for single person type full body and portrate shots... just for a bit of amusement to help me learn the gear....

But is it pointless trying to do it in a space with such low ceilings?

I know I wont be able to get the lighting above the subject for a start....:bang:

Would appreciate your thoughts :)
how tall are the people you plan to photograph?
get them to sit down!
hmmm... its quite hard to do the kind of shots I invisage with them sat down.... :( These are average sized people... not midgets!
I keep saying this :bang::bang:

The size of your studio doesn't affect the quality of your work.
But it does affect the RANGE of work you can do, and if the space is too small it also makes the job more difficult.

So sometimes it's just better to accept the limitations and concentrate your time and skills on the type of shots that don't need a lot of height.
I keep saying this :bang::bang:

The size of your studio doesn't affect the quality of your work.
But it does affect the RANGE of work you can do, and if the space is too small it also makes the job more difficult.

So sometimes it's just better to accept the limitations and concentrate your time and skills on the type of shots that don't need a lot of height.


saved me some typing :clap:

spot on gary imo

Yep, spot on, some of my best portraits have been shot in our spare room. I've even had people lying on the floor because it has stained wooden floorboards so I use the floor as my background.

Don't let your surroundings dictate to you but learn to adapt to what is in front of you.

If it's any consolation I went through exactly the same process of wanting an ideal environment but shooting weddings soon knocked that out of me. I now have to produce bridal prep shots often in less than inspiring surroundings.

So don't let a lack of height get you down but learn to work more of what you do have.
I also have a 7ft ceiling studio, and have had no problems with standing full length poses (except when I try to get the models to jump for action shots!!)

Examples of my studio work can be found via the web link on my signature.