homeless lady

A lovely girl really

They often are nice people...I know several very nice homeless people here ..... Tragic that many end up on the street through circumstances beyond their control.

As for the photo....Nice capture. Would have been tempted to use a shallower DOF to focus more of her and blur the background although I can see that your version shows her belongings so perhaps it was your intention to keep those in focus too. Looks good in B&W (y)
Homeless people are just people without a house. It shouldn't be such a surprise that you can be a nice person & not own a building! Not attacking anyone here, just an observation :)

There is something strange with this picture. I know I don't like it, but I can't quite figure out why :thinking: Could be to do with the very tight 'don't want to lose any important detail, but get rid of everything else completely' crop. You cropped from all 4 sides, yes?
1st off I only mentioned that she was nice as most sadly turn to drink when on the streets which she hadn't

The pic is tight I agree and I don't like the fact that u cannot see the floor/street under her but that is how I took the picture there are a few more I took but really need to do some pp for the look I'm going for
Street fairies can make great subjects, punks, entertainers, blaggers beggers etc chuck them a dolla or a joke is always worth a try. Sometimes easier than randoms on the street but then its sometimes the person behind the camera that limits contact.
I generally avoid photographing homeless folk, buskers & street performers. It's far too easy & the pictures always show it. It's very hard to do something original with it, but if you can then go for it (y)
Haha, that's a tricky one! Most of my pictures have been street photography, but I'm trying to avoid that now! Portraiture will be my next adventure. Why do you ask?
Ach, don't worry, I don't think anyone really has! All you can do is take as many pictures as you can. You will learn something from each of them!