
The term "illegal immigrant" makes me chuckle a bit. If we go back to our history a wee bit, most people on this earth are descended from people who took countries by force, so everyone outside of East Africa (I think that's where it all started) are "illegal" immigrants. Sure there was no concept of illegality by then but we moved of our own accord to countries we shouldn't have been in.

Particularly gets my goat when Americans go on about immigration (and how they call them "aliens") when you consider how the land was taken from its natives.

But don't mind me, I'll let all you NIMBYs get back to your pitchfork waving...
That's what I was thinking.

Someone should create a Daily Mail to real life translation website.


It basically goes.....

<Daily Mail>rant, rant, rant, rant....</Daily Mail>

<Real Life>Nothing going on</Real Life>
The term "illegal immigrant" makes me chuckle a bit. If we go back to our history a wee bit, most people on this earth are descended from people who took countries by force

There is a Facebook group which I was invited to join for some reason (I declined) which was claiming to be pro British, wanting to take back Britain for the British, etc.

The funny thing was it called itself The Saxon Party. They obvious didn't now the history of their own country.

Well, it has made it to page 2 so far, not bad folks, not bad at all - I saw the opening post yesterday and the cynical mod in me gave it about 10 posts. It has been rtm'd, but I am minded not to act on the specifics of why, just remind you all to keep it civil, polite and try and avoid the worst of the hang em and flog em approach.
Ta all :)
One aspect that people don't consider is that there are probably identical discussions going on in fora in Germany, France, Spain etc. I've certainly seen it. People are much more mobile these days, and will head to a place that they believe offers them more hope than their home country. This certainly isn't a British problem. It occurs all over.
One aspect that people don't consider is that there are probably identical discussions going on in fora in Germany, France, Spain etc. I've certainly seen it. People are much more mobile these days, and will head to a place that they believe offers them more hope than their home country. This certainly isn't a British problem. It occurs all over.

Which leads me to ask you a question related to this thread.

Specifically, how are the British ex-pats regarded in Spain? The argument that I've heard from the most pro-EU advocates in British politics, is that if we were ever to vote to leave the EU, the Brits would all be repatriated forthwith and lose their villas! So are the sunseekers and retirees welcomed over there as adding to the economy or seen as suspicious foreigners taking Spanish jobs from Spanish people?

[Obviously not you yourself! I was speaking generally not personally ;) ]
I have spent today walking through some of the royal parks in central London....I am really dismayed at the number of homeless immigrants sleeping openly on the grass and under trees with their suitcases and plastic bags of their belongings.....

Why are the government allowing this to happen? Can we not just round them up and ship them home it at the very least put them in a detention centre unless their identity can be confirmed.....spoke to one of the police officers on patrol and his word were simple "not worth the hassle sir" he then continued to tell me that they would have every do gooder screaming about brutality, victimisation and human rights........I embrace a diverse community and while I worked for the Olympics I used to take out sandwiches to the homeless at Marble Arch.....but surely we as a community cannot allow this to continue at the high level which I witnessed today.....

Suggestions on a postcard

This blows my mind.

I just can't get my head around it ............... a policeman called you "sir"? :ROFLMAO:
It's not easy to get into the UK. I know plenty of people with non-EU partners who can't even get them a tourist visa. EU open borders works both ways, many great places to go and live and escape the frankly grim place that is the UK these days.
Wow how do threads like this go this way, some polite person makes a sad comment on the way things are and people go crazy with political and scary statements.
I like the way our country is open to people to find refuge and if on the way they get food and shelter it makes me feel like a proper humanitarian.

I would rather feed and clothe people than see my taxes go on bombs and bullets.

Remember also when you get on an easy jet plane with clean clothes and an EU passport all the doors are open, maybe you are going for a week away to see the sites of Rome ? Maybe you are going to find work?
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Don't, Don't, Don't go for walks around London's Royal Parks
I was in Regent Park then onto Primrose Hill the other day,didn't see any,saw plenty of joggers their seem everywhere :)
I was in Regent Park then onto Primrose Hill the other day,didn't see any,saw plenty of joggers their seem everywhere :)
They weren't joggers, they were probably Eastern block immigrants who have a penchant for wearing tracksuits and the like, probably doing a runner with the odd swan or stolen handbag tucked under their arm.;):exit:
Different points of view and opinions is hardly staggering ignorance.

For example, I disagree with Mr Bumps opinions in a post just above, I would not say that he was ignorant for having those views just because they differ from mine.
Opinions are fine. There are people who deny the holocaust, which is okay by me. Doesn't stop them being ignorant though.
There are people that wear tinfoil hats to stop their minds being probed by aliens, they too have absolutely no bearing on the ignorance or not of anyone in this thread ;)
Those tin foil hats are pretty useful on cold but sunny winters days though.
Only when worn shiny side in.
The ignorance in this thread is staggering.

I echo Fracster. A lot has been posted in this thread that I don't agree with - possibly by people who don't even realise they're ignorant!

Perhaps Dean or someone can tell us the correct view that's the permitted viewpoint on Talk Photography?
I echo Fracster. A lot has been posted in this thread that I don't agree with - possibly by people who don't even realise they're ignorant!

Perhaps Dean or someone can tell us the correct view that's the permitted viewpoint on Talk Photography?

See my above post. Opinions based on media reporting rather than the facts are ignorant. I'm not shouting anyone down for that, but ignorance it still is.

Just one example.
See my above post. Opinions based on media reporting rather than the facts are ignorant. I'm not shouting anyone down for that, but ignorance it still is.

Just one example.

Then I must admit to being terribly ignorant! I even thought that was what the media were for! I've never been to Syria nor Ukraine so all my knowledge comes second-hand - I've never knowingly been to Peterborough for that matter! Different parts of the media, exemplified perhaps by the Guardian and the Daily Mail present "the facts" very differently and so I wondered if you knew which facts were correct?
All it takes is a few moments searching.
I still maintain that labelling someone else's opinion ignorant simply because it differs from yours is, in itself, ignorance personified.
Well I'm glad that you are. Happy Jesus Doesn't Stink Anymore Day.
Well I'm glad that you are. Happy Jesus Doesn't Stink Anymore Day.

That's just graceless!

You haven't yet presented any contribution to this thread - just referred me to some second-hand media reporting from your own chosen source - but
your insults are becoming unpleasant!

Given those two choices... not The Daily Mail. They have never been very interested in facts.


I think Doreen Lawrence was quite pleased that the Mail ignored facts and appealed very effectively to emotions when they campaigned for her case!
That's just graceless!

You haven't yet presented any contribution to this thread - just referred me to some second-hand media reporting from your own chosen source - but
your insults are becoming unpleasant!

You really are taking all of this far too seriously. If you think suggesting that people become better informed before passing ignorant judgements on people just trying to survive then you have your priorities all out of whack. If you're offended by the Jesus joke then I suggest that you are just taking life too seriously.

That's it though. I should just stick to my rule of keeping out of this part of the forum and leaving it to the crazies. Oops! I may have just offended someone else. *sigh*
That's it though. I should just stick to my rule of keeping out of this part of the forum and leaving it to the crazies. Oops! I may have just offended someone else. *sigh*

Oh come on Princess, lighten up :LOL:
You really are taking all of this far too seriously. If you think suggesting that people become better informed before passing ignorant judgements on people just trying to survive then you have your priorities all out of whack. If you're offended by the Jesus joke then I suggest that you are just taking life too seriously.

That's it though. I should just stick to my rule of keeping out of this part of the forum and leaving it to the crazies. Oops! I may have just offended someone else. *sigh*

You are Polly Toynbee, and I claim my £5!